The DarkOne (Ultimate)

The DarkOne (Ultimate)

All In One

Superhero Database Original Characters

The DarkOne's powers and abilities

Immortality: As the Dark One, Rumple does not age, but can be killed by the Dark One's Dagger, magical poison, sufficiently powerful magic i.e. light magic, dark magic, divine magic, magical artifacts, Excalibur or the Olympian Crystal.

Regeneration: Rumplestiltskin, if injured without the Dark Dagger being used, will automatically regenerate from any injuries.

Resurrection: If a Dark One kills himself, there is no successor, so the power has nowhere to go. To avoid dissipating, the magic transports the Dark One to the Vault of the Dark One, where he can be resurrected with the sacrifice of another life.

Magic: Due to his status and power as the the Dark One, Rumplestilskin was the second most powerful sorcerer in the realms, surpassed only by Merlin. Since having gained the power of every Dark One that has ever lived, including Nimue (the original recipient of the Holy Grail's magic), himself (twice over), Dark Captain Hook (who gained his power by Emma taking Merlin's own power and turning it dark in the process), and the Dark Swan (who Merlin stated to be the most powerful Dark One to date (before Rumple's returned status as the Dark One)), Rumpelstiltskin has became the most powerful sorcerer in all the realms (having also been stated this by the Wizard of Oz), surpassing Merlin and Nimue and enough to impress Hades, who saw Rumplestilskin as a "worthy rival to his hot throne".

Foresight: Rumplestiltskin can see part of the future, in pieces.

Teleporting: Rumplestiltskin can move instantly from one place to another, which he often uses to taunt his enemies or in combat.

Telekinesis: Rumplestiltskin can influence the movement of people or objects, for example to open a door or choke a person.

Shape-shifting: Rumplestiltskin can take the appearance of other people or change the appearance of what he wants, as when he took the appearance of Zelena or when he turned a peasant into a snail.

Elementary control: Rumplestiltskin can control the elements, usually to control fire by forming a fireball from his hand like a weapon. He also controlled the plants to immobilize Killian Jones.

Heart ripping: Rumplestiltskin is one of the first (after Nimue) to have used the technique of heart snatching, and taught it to all his apprentices in magic.

Healing: Rumplestiltskin can heal any wound by placing his hand over the wound.

Immobilization: Rumplestiltskin can freeze people with just a thought.

Protection charm: Rumplestiltskin can protect a place or an object by creating a magic barrier.

Knowledge of Magic: Rumpelstiltskin has been shown to be extremely knowledgeable on the topic of magic, rivaling that of Merlin and Hades, and surpassing that of his students (Cora, Regina and Zelena). He is also the most knowledgeable practitioner on Dark Magic surpassing that of than any other sorcerer (with the possible exception of his mother, the Black Fairy); having instantly become a master of dark magic through the power so of the Dark One and furthering his magical expertise over his two centuries of living



Intelligence0 IQ
Strength0 kg • 0 lb
Speed0 m/s