The Black Alpha (/)

The Black Alpha (/)

Alexander Zdan

Superhero Database Original Characters

The Black Alpha's powers and abilities

strength (with suit):

- is powered by a perfected version of commander russias serum

- his suit gives him enhanched strength

- pucnhed a speeding car aside like it was a toy

- matched strength with the gladiator

- broke commander russia's chest with one well placed punch (commander russia tanked an explosion from the tsar bomba)

- lifted and threw a nuke 5000 miles into the air (the nuke weighed 5 tons)

- broke a bears back with a wrestling move

- held a collapsing building above his head

- broke the nightwatchers armour with one strike

- overpowerd and toyed with enraged commander russia

- ripped a tree out the ground using it as a spear

- pushed back a nuke that was shot by him and threw it back

strength (without suit):

- kicked a big dog to death with one kick

- lifted an obese man weighing 230 kilos with one arm above his head

- knocked out a proffesional boxer while holding back

- threw a man 30 feet further like a ragdoll


- catched an rpg warhead shot at him

- easily dodged machine gun bullets from multiple angles

- dodged energy beams from the gladiator

- easily dodged laser beams

- humilated rewind in combat speed

- outran a fighter yet


- tanked punches from the gladiator

- tanked punches from an enraged commander russia

- survived an helicopter crash with a weakened suit

- survived an explosion that destroyed the moon

- nearly died by a blast from cosmic skull but eventually survived

- when his army turned on him and shot multiple nukes at him he didnt even flinch or fly back by the knockback


- is an extremely cunning dictator

- has created a laser based weapon that has the power of a sun

The Black Alpha's weaknesses

besides him being 85 percent robot he technically is still a human