The Big Question

The Big Question

Edward Fisk

universe Amalgam Universe

The Big Question's powers and abilities


It is unclear if he has any.

He manages to break weapons of Dare with his bare hands and also pulls her horns out with his hands alone. This suggests considerable strength, but it is left unclear if this is superhuman or not.

His durability against injuries is unclear. He survives an explosion which destroys his clothes, suggesting some form of invulnerability. But he is otherwise vulnerable to Catsai's attacks with her body and conventional weapons. He bleeds a lot.


All the abilities of both Kingpin and Riddler.

The Big Question is a respected practitioner of Judo. His fighting style involves a combination of hand-to-hand combat and sheer brute strength.

Strength level

He can lift (press) approximately 650 pounds.



Intelligence199 IQ
Strength30 kg • 66 lb
Speed203 m/s

Super Powers

HackingIntelligenceDanger SenseInformation AnalysisMarksmanshipMaster TacticianMind ControlReflexesWeapons Master