The #1 Man

The #1 Man

Superhero Database Original Characters

The #1 Man's History

The #1 person is #1 at everything. He/she is #1 when it comes to power. He/she is #1 when it comes to good. He/she is first when it comes to evil. He/she is The-One-Above-All but also The-One-Below-All. He/she is #1 when it comes to winning games. He/she is #1 when it comes to being the tallest. He/she is #1 when it comes to being the shortest. He/she is #1 when it comes to being the strongest. He/she is #1 when it comes to being the weakest. He/she is #1 in being the thinnest. He/she is #1 in being the fattest. He/she is #1 when it comes to being the fastest person. He/she is #1 when it comes to being the slowest person. He/she is #1 at combat. He/she is #1 at slapping people. He/she is first in everything a human mind can think of. No one will ever top him/her as he/she is 1st in everything.