Tenma Awaumi

Tenma Awaumi

universe Shinza Banshou

Tenma Awaumi's powers and abilities

He is vastly weaker compared to the Yatsukahagi due to a mix of factors:

The complete destruction of Reinhard and his law, which also strips Valeria of Heilige Eohl.

He lacks a strong connection with Yato, unlike most of those in the Yatsukahagi.

His territory is outside the range of Yato's law, which strips Awaumi of the passive "Time Armor" effect and of the pseudo-godhood granted, unlike those in the Yatsukahagi.

Even so, he is extremely large. His arms can normally wrap around, smash, and crush a high-class battleship with one blow. According to Masada, Awaumi would have been strong enough to need Ryumei to sacrifice herself against him, if not for Yakou's presence.



Intelligence200 IQ

Super Powers
