Teferi (Post-Mending)

Teferi (Post-Mending)

Teferi Akosa

Magic: the Gathering

Teferi's powers and abilities

Neowalker - Teferi is a Post-Mending Planeswalker, allowing him to freely travel through the Blind Eternities to other planes without being erased from existence. His Spark also grants him immunities to various corrupting effects and raises many of his base resistances and gives him a much greater mana pool than any average being. Because he was a Planeswalker before the mending, this mana pool is even larger than a normal Neowalker. Planeswalkers also possess the ability to summon mana duplicates of allies they have made throughout their journeys.

Slow Aging - Due to being trapped in a slow time bubble for some time, Teferi ages incredibly slowly, not seeming to have aged a day in 300+ years.

Student of Urza - Teferi learned magic from the legendary planeswalker Urza and picked up quite a few tricks. He is incredibly sharp and especially good at finding solutions to puzzles and conundrums.

Temporal Mage - Teferi primarily draws from blue mana, and to a lesser degree white mana, to warp space and time around himself. He can slow or speed up allies, age enemies into dust on both a personal and even planetary scale. He is also able to phase himself and others out of sync with the physical realm around him to protect himself or render combatants harmless on up to a continental scale . He has also used his mana to create force fields, dissipate magical attacks and to even animate objects around him to act as allies of convenience.

Teferi's weaknesses

Methodical - Teferi prefers to avoid conflict and aims to solve those conflicts through nonviolence. He is a thinker and will take his time when creating a solution, sometimes rendering him slow to react despite his temporal powers.