
Team The WaspvsTeam Blink

Created by aajayunlimited

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aajayunlimited 3 y 11 mo 13 h 50 m
Team The Wasp - vs - Team Blink
91 months member
Team The Wasp That tiny or small size is a very, very underrated power or genetics; it makes it easier to become invisible--particularly the smaller and faster you are. Mighty Mouse is like Superman and hypnotizes at his size; Lolita is tiny with flight and a powerful sonic scream(imagine that directly at earpoint and you had no idea it was about to happen); AstroBoy(would be like early physical showings from Blue Marvel, if not later); Super Mario, Shadow, and Sonic are powerhouses, speedy, and having numerous other abilities in addition to being short, Squirrel Girl and Rat King control armies of rodents, Synapse has advanced mind control over humanoid and animals as well as powers negation; Hamza stops time and manipulates others in the time stream to be faster or slower up to nanoseconds or to a crawl(but it overwhelms him over time); Ray* would have power to create/fashion his own city, the heroes, villains, and people of it, and maintain it(he could recreate their powers as well as many armed people/he could potentially have every superpower, natural effect, or device he could think of--possibly creating his own new[Turbine]); Iota shrinks herself to microscopic levels and what or whoever she wants within 6 ft of her; the Wasp's sting has subdued the X-men; etc.

*Ray's only weakness might be that he gave his creations freewill(because he was a fan of the dead JG); they later managed to overthrow him by taxing him with everything else going on(he was both managing a city and stressed, after all).
aajayunlimited 3 y 11 mo 4 d
Team The Wasp - vs - Team Blink
91 months member
Team The Wasp On Side 1, all have something to do with tininess or shortness. Lolita shrinks and has a powerful sonic scream. Iota shrinks down to microscopic levels and shrinks whatever comes within 6 ft of her that she wants to those levels. Ray Thompson created and mantained his own city(possibly region) and his own heroes. Shift teleports and stores things like weapons in a pocket dimension. Blitzen runs at light speed. Blurr is a transformer that runs at MACH speed. WHAT DO YOU THINK?
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aajayunlimited 3 y 11 mo 4 d
Team The Wasp - vs - Team Blink
91 months member
Team The Wasp Hamza manipulates time and manipulates those that he wants according to time. His only limitation seems to be that it stresses him. He can only maintain it for a time.

Voting feed

Team The Wasp wins!
Team Blink wins!
Team Blink wins!
Team Blink wins!