
Team Rocket RaccoonvsTeam Daredevil

Created by aajayunlimited

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aajayunlimited 1 y 6 mo 14 d
Team Rocket Raccoon - vs - Team Daredevil
89 months member
Team Rocket Raccoon As far as I can surmise, the 88 RC had a heightened strength level as compared to the orignal 87 RC movie version: he lifted half of a cargo van off the ground with 3 or 4 passengers inside and he held the van in that position as the criminal driver floored it in an attempt to escape his grasp to no avail(Class 3+). He could also take military guns(gang level) like sticks on metal(this may be an upgrade on the movie version--been a long time since I saw it). But, unlike the 98 version, a small building cave-in on him would send him to the lab for repairs immediately. Then, he had a cartoon version of the pistol that he had in the original movie(nothing more). Whether intentional or not, he was really built to withstand almost anything that a human could come with(weapons--nothing else mattered but their weapons); beyond that--sometimes, he could last with special weapons/robotics and sometimes he failed. Lacks speed and agility like the 87 version...He is still a human nightmare(plus peak human) and provides sharpshooter support. You can also give him the most powerful pistol known to exist and with admantium bullets if you want.

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Voted neutral.
Team Rocket Raccoon wins!