Superhero Database vs Comicvine
Created by booyah, 4 y 9 mo 23 d ago.
Who wins? Both are great websites
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Hesperus 8 mo 2 d
Superhero Database vs Comicvine #
unfortunately both websites are not good characters material .
Joshn4 3 y 1 mo 22 d
Superhero Database vs Comicvine #
No offense, but from what I've seen, SHDb is far inferior to CV, and one of the lower tier forums I've been on, in terms of comic/vsbattles stuff. Otherwise, SHDb is much less toxic, less trolling, more engaging/creative idea as a whole.
vcowles77 3 y 3 mo 19 d
Superhero Database vs Comicvine #
Bruh most people think Alucard beats hulk on Comic vine. Biggest difference compared to this site.