Superhero Database New World Company
Created by SirSpidey, 3 y 5 mo 1 d ago.
If anyone plays on PC and has New World, let's start a SHDb company. It's $40 on Steam. It's currently still in beta mode, which will most likely end August 2nd. The actual game comes out August 31st. Hit me up if you're interested.
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SirSpidey 3 y 4 mo 29 d
Superhero Database New World Company #
It seems there was a bit of a misunderstanding, which is my fault entirely. I should have been more clear in what I was proposing. In this game I mentioned, you can join a guild of some sort which is called a Company. I was just proposing if you have the game already we should start our own Company within the game.
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Mr_Incognito 2 y 9 mo 19 d
Superhero Database New World Company #
Wait, Spidey actually admits he did something wrong? What is this world coming to.
Last edited: 2 y 9 mo 19 d ago.
RAHIMINDAHOODS 3 y 5 mo 9 h 7 m
Superhero Database New World Company #
In addition, this particular SHDB game can be a trending premiered game on Google Play, Apple Store, Steam, or Microsoft Store, etc for more awareness and prominence of "SHDB company"