


Star Wars Universe

Summa-verminoth's History

The summa-verminoth were gargantuan space-faring beasts with tentacles and multiple eyes. These tentacles were armed with suckers and electrified stingers, which they used to trap prey. [4] They dwelled in the Akkadese Maelstrom and were embedded in legends of what travelers may encounter.

In 10 BBY, Han Solo and the rest of Beckett's gang unintentionally awoke a summa-verminoth near the Maw Cluster. The massive beast began pursuing Solo, who flew the Millennium Falcon near a gravity well. Solo then ejected the Falcon's escape pod, which the summa-verminoth chased instead, right into the gravity well. The summa-verminoth was caught by the gravity well, its skin being torn from its skeleton before being pulled in.