
Suggestions for Stats v3.0

Created by Galactus, 3 mo 2 d ago.

Continuation of Suggestions for Stats / Tier / Class


xerodeep 2 mo 29 d
Suggestions for Stats v3.0
66 months member
I've been thinking about this and honestly, maybe I'm in the minority here, but no matter what you add, subtract, or modify, I would just just suggest you try to keep it relatively simple and straight forward. The more complex you make it, the more questions users will have and fewer and fewer users will be able to accurately edit characters. There are already plenty of disagreements and debates over character stats, which isn't in itself a bad thing as long as it leads to accuracy in the end, but the more complex you make it, the more disagreements and debates there will be over them as well. Just a thought.
Last edited: 2 mo 29 d ago.
yes 2 mo 30 d
Suggestions for Stats v3.0
29 months member
@Galactus I think we should has striking strength on here
MoNsTeR 3 mo 1 d
Suggestions for Stats v3.0
52 months member
New strength suggestion
Pre-Stellar - The weight a solid object can reach before the gravitational collapse to a small star.
Stellar - The weight of a smaller star up to the weight of stars at the theoretical accretion limit.
Multi-Stellar - The weight of stars at the theoretical accretion limit to the mass of the Milky Way.
Galactic - The weight of the Milky Way to the mass of the most massive galaxy.
Multi-Galactic - The weight of the most massive galaxy up to the weight of the observable universe.
Infinite - The weight of the observable universe up to any higher finite value.