


Superhero Database Original Characters

Subject-8190's History

# Reality-8178

## Classification:

**Tier**: Beta-4

**Security Measures**: Level 3 Anomalous Artwork Containment

## Physical Description:

"Reality-8178" is an anomaly depicted as a surreal confluence of music, nature, and human features. Central to the image is a figure with a vinyl record hat, a face with closed eyes, and a finger touching a keyboard that morphs into a staircase. A woman in a dress stands nearby, suggesting a narrative or interactive component to the anomaly.

## Special Containment Procedures:

Given its visual and potentially memetic nature, "Reality-8178" is contained within a Level 3 Anomalous Artwork Containment facility. The anomaly is to be monitored for any changes in its state or effect on reality. Access is restricted to authorized personnel who have undergone psychological evaluation to guard against memetic influence.

## Behavior and Abilities:

"Reality-8178" exhibits reality-altering properties, particularly influencing perceptions and emotions related to music and art. Those who observe or interact with the anomaly report intense synesthetic experiences, where they "see" sounds or "hear" colors.

## Incident Log:

### Incident 8178-A:

On [REDACTED], a research assistant reported hearing an unknown symphony while examining the anomaly, leading to a temporary trance-like state.

### Incident 8178-B:

On [REDACTED], the anomaly spontaneously produced a three-dimensional manifestation of the musical notes played by the figure, which interacted with the environment before dissipating.

## Research Notes:

Dr. [REDACTED]: "Reality-8178 challenges our understanding of sensory input and artistic expression. Its ability to induce synesthesia could have profound implications for neurological study."

## Weakness:

To date, the entity does not display hostile intentions; its primary influence appears to be the induction of altered perceptual states. Isolation from direct human interaction has proven effective in mitigating its effects.

## Addendum:

Ongoing research is focused on understanding the origins of "Reality-8178" and the potential applications of its unique synesthetic properties. All interaction with the anomaly is logged for further analysis, and personnel are reminded to adhere to sensory protection protocols when engaging with the anomaly.