

The Televised Man

Superhero Database Original Characters

Subject-1800's History

# Subject-1800: "The Televised Man"

## Classification:

**Tier**: Gamma-1

**Security Measures**: Level 3 Secure Containment Unit

## Physical Description:

Subject-1800 appears as a male individual wearing a standard suit and tie. Notably, its head is replaced by an old-fashioned boxed television set, featuring a single eye in the center of the screen.

## Special Containment Procedures:

Subject-1800 is to be housed in a Level 3 Secure Containment Unit with electromagnetic shielding. Access is restricted to Level 2 or higher personnel. All interactions must be recorded and analyzed for subliminal messaging or anomalous broadcasts.

## Behavior and Abilities:

Subject-1800 is capable of manipulating electronic signals and can broadcast images or messages through its television-head. It communicates through visual and auditory signals emitted from the screen, though it has not shown any overt signs of hostility.

## Incident Log:

### Incident 1800-A:

On [REDACTED], Subject-1800 broadcasted a series of images that temporarily incapacitated viewing personnel through unknown means.

### Incident 1800-B:

On [REDACTED], Subject-1800's screen displayed a countdown timer. When it reached zero, all electronic devices within a 100-meter radius malfunctioned.

## Research Notes:

Dr. [REDACTED]: "Subject-1800 is like a walking anomaly of human and machine. Its ability to control and manipulate electronic signals could have various applications, but we must be cautious of potential risks."

## Weakness:

Subject-1800 appears to be vulnerable to electromagnetic pulses (EMPs), which temporarily disable its abilities and cause it to enter a dormant state.

## Addendum:

Personnel are advised to avoid staring directly at Subject-1800's screen during interactions and to wear protective eyewear to mitigate the risk of subliminal influence. All electronic devices must be checked for tampering after exposure to Subject-1800.