
OC Subject-1000

The Horseman

universe Superhero Database Original Characters

Subject-1000's History

# Subject-1000: "The Horseman"

## Classification:

**Tier**: Omega-2

**Security Measures**: Level 4 Secure Containment Unit (Spectral Barriers)

## Physical Description:

Subject-1000 takes the form of the legendary "Headless Horseman," though this is not believed to be its true form. The entity's appearance mimics the horseman in detail, including the absence of a head and the presence of a spectral horse.

## Special Containment Procedures:

Subject-1000 is to be contained in a Level 4 Secure Containment Unit fortified with spectral barriers and temporal locks. Access is restricted to Level 3 or higher personnel. Interaction with the entity must be approved by Level 4 authority and be conducted under strict protocols to avoid provocation.

## Behavior and Abilities:

Subject-1000 is an otherworldly being exhibiting an array of anomalous properties. It demonstrates both physical and spectral abilities, including phasing through solid objects and summoning ethereal weapons. Despite its lack of a head, the entity seems to perceive its environment through unknown means.

## Incident Log:

### Incident 1000-A:

On [REDACTED], Subject-1000 temporarily altered the flow of time within its containment unit, accelerating it to an unknown degree.

### Incident 1000-B:

On [REDACTED], Subject-1000 manifested a spectral sword and engaged in combat with containment personnel, resulting in multiple injuries before it was subdued.

## Research Notes:

Dr. [REDACTED]: "The form Subject-1000 takes is a puzzle in itself. It's as if it's imitating the Headless Horseman for reasons we can't understand. Its true nature and purpose remain a mystery."

## Weakness:

Subject-1000 has displayed a sensitivity to relics and artifacts associated with positive spiritual or divine energies, which appear to weaken its spectral abilities.

## Addendum:

Given the entity's mysterious and high-risk nature, extreme caution is advised when interacting with Subject-1000. Ongoing research aims to understand the reason behind its choice of form and to ascertain its true origins and capabilities.