Subject-001 (The Codex)

Subject-001 (The Codex)

Superhero Database Original Characters

Subject-001's History

Based on the image provided for Subject-001, I will create a profile for this entity.

# Subject-001: "The Arcane Codex"

## Classification:

**Tier**: Omega-1

**Security Measures**: Level 5 Information Quarantine

## Physical Description:

Subject-001 appears as an ancient manuscript adorned with arcane symbols and an illustration of an entity that seems to merge avian and cephalopod characteristics, suggesting a connection to mythological or occult knowledge.

## Special Containment Procedures:

Subject-001 is to be held in a Level 5 Information Quarantine. No direct physical contact is permitted, and all study must be conducted through secured remote viewing to prevent the possible cognitive and reality-altering effects of the symbols inscribed within it.

## Behavior and Abilities:

Subject-001 does not display behavior in a conventional sense but has been shown to have a profound impact on reality around it. The text and symbols may induce alterations in the fabric of space-time and human consciousness when observed directly.

## Incident Log:

### Incident 001-A:

On [REDACTED], an unauthorized individual viewed Subject-001 directly, resulting in an immediate catatonic state followed by the manifestation of anomalous phenomena within a 10-meter radius of the manuscript.

### Incident 001-B:

On [REDACTED], containment breach alarms were triggered without apparent cause. Later analysis suggested that Subject-001's influence had extended beyond its containment, affecting electronic systems.

## Research Notes:

Dr. [REDACTED]: "The symbols and the illustration in Subject-001 may represent a codex of preternatural knowledge. Its containment is critical to prevent information contamination or unwanted reality restructuring."

## Weakness:

The potential for weakness is not understood; Subject-001's containment relies on preventing interaction with its contents. Informational dampening fields are under development to further secure its containment.

## Addendum:

All research into Subject-001 is to be approved by the Central Committee of Five, given the existential risks posed by its contents. Researchers are to undergo rigorous mental conditioning to protect against the manuscript's cognitohazardous effects.