Sub-Zero Manta

Sub-Zero Manta

Godzilla: The Series

Sub-Zero Manta's powers and abilities

Ice Breath - The Sub-Zero Manta has the ability to breath a stream of ice from its mouth that it uses to immobilize and kill its opponents. It can spread the breath out wide enough to cover a fairly large range in front of it.

Intelligence - The Sub-Zero Manta is shown to be quite intelligent for a mutation, being able to quickly and efficiently identify threats for elimination before they can harm it. It also shows some combat aptitude by keeping Godzilla at range for most of their fight where the Manta had the upper hand.

Sub-Zero Manta's weaknesses

Stimulus Overload - The Sub-Zero Manta has very sensitive senses and can be temporarily disabled by over loading them with various stimuli.

Hibernation - If the Sub-Zero Manta enters an area with a suitably low temperature, it can enter into a state of suspended animation for an unknown amount of time.

Deep Waters - Not exactly a weakness, but the Sun-Zero Manta is defeated when it is pulled deep into the water by a vortex formed by Godzilla. The Manta is shown to be at least semi-aquatic, so it is unknown if this killed the creature or merely forced it to permanently retreat from the battle.