Sticky Man

OC Sticky Man

Daniel Sullivan

universe Superhero Database Original Characters

Sticky Man's powers and abilities

Ability Shift: Daniel is capable of using other heroes' powers at will, having done so against the likes of Ice Age, Warhead, and even Keystone. However, it is a major strain on his body the longer he retains excessive abilities. Although it could be an outlier, He once copied the powers of a merged Uni-Numen, This same Numen threatening to destroy the universe. He has been shown to copy the powers of numerous opponents at once however it strains his body significantly more. He tends to stray away from this ability unless absolutely needed i.e. when he copied The Destroyer�??s powers whilst in the Shadow Realm.

Acausality: Being gifted with the powers of a God, Daniel is unaffected by time manipulation and reality manipulation. As shown when Naska failed to remove him from existence and when Aion accidentally killed Baby Danny. Syrvix instantly protects his host from harm's way if capable, Unless you are more powerful than Syrvix, Reality Warping and Time Manipulation proves ineffective.

Accelerated Development: Daniel is capable of improving his abilities naturally at a much faster pace than most of his predecessors. He is considered the strongest of the Ancient Warriors of Syrvix. It is stated that he develops quicker due to his genetic code, which grants him a closer bond to the Sycophant. This allows him to access powers unknown to the Ancient Warriors before him. However, gaining new abilities is not instantaneous and is not random. He still requires training to maintain and hone his skills.

Healing Factor: Daniel is capable of healing minor to crucial wounds near-instantaneously, appearing as if they never happened to begin with. If he were to lose a limb or organ, he can simply regenerate a new one. Damaged nerves can be healed and damaged cells can regenerate, preventing scar tissue. His healing factor forces immunity to man-made toxins and drugs. He is able to regenerate just about anything unless his head is damaged to a certain extent i.e. decapitation, brain combustion, etc. Destroying Stickyman�??s head is one of the only methods to truly put the guy down.

Gymnastic Abilities: Daniel is capable of going to one motion to another rather effortlessly, effectively evade most attacks, swing from objects to another, do athletic flips, leap across buildings, and numerous other gymnastic feats with no effort. He has an extreme near superhuman sense of balance. Nearly impossible to knock down, even if he was to somehow lose balance he would instantly regain his balance. He is perfectly capable of balancing on anything, no matter how narrow or unstable it may be. He is capable of bending and twisting his body in unusual ways usually beyond normal human physiology although it was proven he still moves from the joints. His hypermobile joints, muscles, tendons, and amped physiology allow him to perform boneless looking contortions to his body without any damage, effort, or strain.

The Shadow: Daniel is able to use his shadow as a secondary body. A clone of sorts, able to think and fight on its own. It is just as powerful as Daniel and is believed to house the souls of his fallen predecessors. However, any damage down to The Shadow affects Daniel and vice versa.

Animation: Daniel is able to manipulate certain inanimate objects to do his will, He has manipulated an entire army of mannequins before but for some reason has failed to show the ability to do this on large objects or technology as to when he failed to stop tanks and living supercomputers.

Apathy: Daniel is capable of suppressing and even negating his emotions, allowing him to ignore emotional trauma and distractions in critical situations. He can also negate specific emotions while retaining others.

God-Mode: Daniel is temporarily able to boost his powers by calling upon the full might of Syrvix. His physical and mental abilities are heightened for a short amount of time and is essentially unkillable and invulnerable during this mode as The God Aura surrounds him, He is literally turned into a conduit for Syrvix�??s true power. However, after the God-Mode ends, he is left severely weakened and vulnerable, required to rest 1 full week to regain his strength, however, he has shown capable of regaining his power within hours.

Invisibility: Daniel is capable of turning himself completely invisible, even towards spiritual and magical beings. However, telepaths are still capable of sensing him and other invisible beings can see him.

The Sight of Syrvix: Daniel is capable of seeing certain places of the future and anywhere in the past and present if given physical contact with an object, person, or location. He is also capable of seeing invisible beings as well as the spiritual and supernatural. He has also stated that if he wanted to, he could allow himself to see the color of sound.