Sticky Man

Sticky Man

Daniel Sullivan

Superhero Database Original Characters

Sticky Man's History

Daniel Sullivan the sticky man . He was born in the early eighties with a kind and loving family . He was normally mocked for his family being poor and how his father couldn't keep a simple job . This pissed Daniel off . When he was around 14 he started stealing little bits of money from the rich people who mocked him . He would normally tell his family he was doing a job . With the little amount he was getting helped his family a lot . Pretty soon when he turned 15 he gained enough money to buy his family a car and a brand new house . But the rich people finally found out what was going on . Daniel was stealing from them . They called the police and Daniel was arrested . He was taken to court but for his ability to lie good he wasn't charged . He decided that he needed a actual job since that was too close . So he worked as a Paper Boy . And when he turned 18 he worked First class mailman after he got his pilots license . But one day when he was on his 5th anniversary of working there. He flew across towards Africa and his plans crashed into Gordojun . A Ancient African Civilization . He was tortured and beaten until the queen of their tribe appeared . She let him go and decided to let him in on a secret . She said "One who is with the Being shall always Be one with the Being" While he walked away from the palace he stumbled upon a temple . It had markings on it . In Nsibidi in fact . But luckily he could read it . It said . "Only one shall be given the power of the Damon . And only one shall live with the powers of the Shaman . Beware the great power of the Great Being . Because use thy power wrong and you shall become a fiend "

And after he pronounced these words his body had a weird tingly feeling . A green substance was crawling all over him . He was being absorbed by a green blob. After the blob was inside his body Daniel walked to the nearest Airport. Even though he didn't have any money he thought he could get a lift by one of the pilots . But they said no. Then he decided to try and run towards the nearest plane and jump on It but when he started running he felt a boost of energy and he was running at speeds far surpassing Sound . He was at his state within mere minutes and at his house in seconds . He had no idea what this was or what it wants but he knew for a fact that his "Powers" are going to be used for good. He decided to dawn his father's old Green wrestling costume and become the Sticky Man . After years of training with his powers he joined the league of Justice and Around that time he met The Spirit who showed Daniel the trimmings of his powers . He found out that he had h is own Realm called the Sticky Realm an d he asked Mark to transport him there . He met up with the current king of the time of the Realm and asked for help. The King taught Da niel the ways of the Sticky-Men and Daniel soon learned the styles and powers of the Sticky Man . But when the good old king died he was asked to be king . Daniel ruled over his realm for a Million years and decided to go back to earth to see what it was like after this time . ANd only to find out only a few hours passed . But he knew that from now on He will be known as Sticky Man the King and Damon of the Sticky Realm

Famous Quote

I may not be as powerful as you are Tyton . But I'll damn sure try and fight for my planet