Sticky Man

OC Sticky Man

Daniel Sullivan

universe Superhero Database Original Characters


Daniel Sullivan the sticky man . He was born in the early eighties with a kind and loving family . He was normally mocked for his family being poor and how his father couldn't keep a simple job . This pissed Daniel off . When he was around 14 he started stealing little bits of money from the rich people who mocked him . He would normally tell his family he was doing a job . With the little amount he was getting helped his family a lot . Pretty soon when he turned 15 he gained enough money to buy his family a car and a brand new house . But the rich people finally found out what was going on . Daniel was stealing from them . They called the police and Daniel was arrested . He was taken to court but for his ability to lie good he wasn't charged . read more

  • Power Stats

Official Superhero Database stats. | Class: 0


Creator ManofPower
UniverseSHDB OC - Superhero Database Original Characters
Character Tier No Tier 2 set yet.
Full name Daniel Amaury Sullivan
Alter Egos No alter egos found.
Aliases The Sticky-Guy, Green Machine, Green Man, Reign, Supreme, Star Storms, King Sticky, Sticky Damon, God of Ooze,
Place of birth St. Louis, Missouri
First appearance Stickyman vs Man of Power #1 (2014)
Alignment Good


Gender Male
Species // Type Human // Altered
Height 188 cm • 6'2"
Weight 106.6 kg • 235.01 lbs
Eye color Green
Hair color Brown


Played by
Occupation Superhero, Adventurer,
Base St. Louis, Missouri
Relatives Veronica Hermandez (ex-wife, divorced), Lara Danielle Sullivan (daughter), Randy Sullivan (father, deceased), Layla Sullivan (mother, deceased)
Teams No teams added.
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