Star Storms II

Star Storms II

Brian Jenkins

Star Storms II's powers and abilities


He's able to absorb a unlimited amount of energy . He cannot absorb Cosmic , Divine , Or Magical power.


His regen is way better than Stans . He is able to regenerate Lost limbs . He can only die from Decapitation but to cut his head you need to use a Divine Weapon (Ancestral Sword, Axe of NNamea, Blood Slayer, Nirvana etc etc)


He can adapt to any situation . His body is able to adapt to poison and toxins and also Coldness and Heat


He was able to Move his back 95° Back

Bullet Time

Unlike the First Storms . Brian can slow time down 15000% and this doesn't work while he is running or moving faster than sound. And it doesn't affect him at all

Cold Resistance

He's able to resist -30000 degrees . He can freeze from Ice Age or any Glacienites

Danger Sense

Somewhat like Spider-Man He has a danger sense. So he is able to sense something 15 Seconds before it happens


He withstood a meteorite from Storms and was unphased . Note that Father Spirit was harmed from a meteorite . So Brian has higher durAbility than a godlike entity


Like Stan he can control electricity . His electricity can reach about 20 trillion Volts which is higher than Stans electricity

Fire and Heat resistance

He can survive on hellion . Which the planet is about 15 Trillion times hotter than Lightning (Lightning is about 10 times hotter than the sun )


While he is nowhere close to Stans speed . He can fly at 15000 Times the speed of light

Force Fields

Now this is ability that Stan never had . Brian can use his electricity to make a force field . These force fields are able to withstand blows from God Damon .


He can jump almost 45000 Feet in the air . And he moves about Mach 20.


He has magic from the Beings . His magic is comparable to Doctor Fate.

Magic Resistance

He's resisted magic from Spirit . Spirit>Doctor Fate in magic

Matter Absorption

Like Stan he can absorb Electrons and Matter from anything . Although his form is stronger than Storms .


He can Make his body split into electrons and go straight into any solid waste object


He can react within a Picosecond


He is able to run 3000 Times the speed of light

Super Strength

He is stronger than Stan . He can lift about 50000 Tons

Fighting Style

He is fluent in 85% of earths martial arts

Electricity Vision

He can shoot bolts of Lightning from his eyes

Meteorite Punch

Just Like Stan he can hit with a force so powerful it shatters planets . His punch is not as powerful as storms . His fist can reach 30000 joules

Forms Normal

He is a Multi Cluster level of destruction


He is a Universal Level and his powers increase 1000%


He is a Multi - Universal level - His power increase 50% from Majestic


He is a mid Multi-Universal level - His power increases 1000 % from Majestic