
(Spoilers!!) The Marvels review

Created by Rajneesh26477, 1 y 1 mo 17 d ago.

Please keep the spoilers in the spoiler box, so that others can also have fun while watching the movie.


ForJustice1324 1 y 27 d
(Spoilers!!) The Marvels review
66 months member
As someone like me whose a Marvel Comics fan and actually watched the film I must say that I quite liked it. It had tons of cool and hilarious moments including ones with Goose and the Khan family, the three leads had great chemistry, and I thought Dar-Benn was a worthy foe. The film also had a cool post credit scene that'll lead up to the next Marvel film but that's all I'll say.
My score for this film is a solid 7/10
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Rajneesh26477 1 y 1 mo 10 d
(Spoilers!!) The Marvels review
16 months member
Bro just got so much hate for the movie☠☠
And I know why...
yes 1 y 1 mo 10 d
(Spoilers!!) The Marvels review
33 months member
@Rajneesh26477gmailcom ??