

Norman Osborn

Marvel Animated Universe

Spider-Goblin's powers and abilities

Superhuman Strength: Spider-Goblin is able to go one-on-one with the Web-Warriors;;

Superhuman Durability: Spider-Goblin is tremendously resilient, able to brush off the combined assault of the Web-Warriors for long durations.;;

Superhuman Reflexes: Spider-Goblin's reaction time is able to quickly interpret a barrage of gun blasts and effectively dodge them.;;

Superhuman Agility: His speed and grace defy his size, able to easily outpace Spider-Man even while web-slinging.;;

Regenerative Healing Factor: Like all the Spider-men, he may also have a low-level rapid healing rate.;;

Voice Mimicking: Like the Goblin, he can mimic voices.;;

Extra Spider Arms: After further evolving from the Web-Warriors' DNA, Spider-Goblin grew 4 spider-like legs able to pierce through sturdy targets and likewise allow him to climb surfaces.;;

Acid Spit: Unlike the Web-Warriors, Spider-Goblin can spit green acid able to instantly dissolve metal.;;

Web Shooting: Unlike the Web-Warriors, Spider-Goblin can genetically shoot webs.;;

Venom Strike: Like Spider-Man (Miles Morales), Spider-Goblin can electrocute his foes.;;

Camouflage: Like Spider-Man (Miles Morales), Spider-Goblin can blend his being to match his surroundings perfectly, essentially making him invisible.;;

Retractable Talons: Like Spider-Man Spider-Man 2099, Spider-Goblin can produce powerful claws from his fingertips able to slice through most targets.

Wall Crawl: Spider-Goblin can climb any surface.;;

Spider-Sense: Spider Goblin can sense danger.;;

Superhuman Equilibrium: Spider-Goblin can perfectly balance himself.;;