Sorin Markov (Post-Mending)

Sorin Markov (Post-Mending)

Sorin Markov

universe Magic: the Gathering

Sorin Markov's powers and abilities

Planeswalker - Sorin is a Post-Mending Planeswalker, allowing him to freely travel through the Blind Eternities to other planes without being disintegrated. His Spark also grants him immunities to various corrupting effects and raises many of his base resistances and giving him a much greater mana pool than an average being. Sorin originally being a pre-mending walker seems to have made him stronger than most other walkers.

Vampirism - Sorin was the second Innistradian vampire to ever exists and carries with him all of the normal vampiric abilities one would assume, such as the ability to turn others into vampiric thralls and greatly increased physical abilities. He often uses the former ability to gain information on a new plane he has arrived on. Sorin, however, does not have a weakness to sunlight or holy implements.

Sangromancy - Sorin primarily draws his magical abilities from black mana, although he has some access to white mana. He is the master of Sangromancy (a kind of blood magic) which allows him to kill opponents by draining them of their life force, disintegrating them into ash, cursing opponents, turn blood into weapons or to even take over the minds of others. His white mana allows him to aid allies more effectively.

Sorin Markov's weaknesses

Hedonist - Sorin, despite his calm and calculated demeanor, is not one for patience and can attempt to take shortcuts to get past wait times. This has been seen when he enthralled a Tarkirian tour guide rather than barter with him or when he abandoned any pretense at saving Innistrad by confronting Nahiri without a plan. Nahiri's presence also causes him to focus all of his ire on her and he will drop whatever he's doing to attempt to kill her.