


M.O.D.O.K. and Hit-Monkey TV Series

Slyke's History

Slyke and his two older brothers Boone and Colt used to be teenage celebrities, performing as super-powered The Galaxy Boys. For their gifts, they were recruited by the government to act as state-sponsored assassins. This took a toll on all three of them, but especially Colt who became sadistic and blood-thirsty. His mere presence became a continued jeopardy, and so Slyke was forced to absorb him into his mind permanently. Boone had altered Colt's memory to make him believe this was the decision, while to the outside world, Colt was reported as dead.

Eventually, Boone and Slyke discovered that the government they worked for was secretly controlled by the Aldermen, a conspiracy of eight men who manipulated the world from the shadows with weapons made from a single ancient relic. They decided to bring them down and formed the Assassins Cooperative, recruiting to their cause others such as Amara, Double-Tap, and little Dot. Their immediate aim was to reclaim the mystical weapons that gave Aldermen their powers. Their ultimate goal however was to use the eight weapons to eradicate the suffering and bring peace to the world by destroying all of humanity.

After a Monkey killed the Alderman Bonsai Master in Tokyo, the Co-Op was impressed and sought to recruit him into their ranks. With the help of Monkey and his friends Bryce and Haruka, the Co-Op was able to kill the last of the two Aldermen and recover their relics. As they prepared to forge the eight relics into a single one and enact their plan, their true goals were revealed. Monkey refused to follow along and was absorbed into Slyke's mind, and so was Dot. Bryce however hid himself inside Dot as a ghost and was able to remote Slyke's restraints from both her and the Monkey. They went for the only known exit but were confronted by Colt the Hunter. Only Dot was able to make it through before Colt destroyed the exit.

Colt then chased Bryce and Monkey deep into Slyke's subconsciousness, somewhere he'd never been to before. There, he discovered Slyke's true memory of what happened and realized that he was trapped for twenty-five years not on his own will but based on a lie. Realizing what happened, Slyke entered his mind and tried to calm Colt down. His older brother however had none of it and was out for revenge, brutally bashing Slyke's head in with a hammer. The pocket dimension began to collapse, and Bryce and Monkey only barely managed to escape while Colt was crushed inside.