Silver Surfer (Omni-Max Power)

Silver Surfer (Omni-Max Power)

Norrin Radd

universe Prime Marvel Universe

Silver Surfer's History

The Surfer was summoned by Doctor Strange to rejoin the Defenders in order to chase down Enclave scientist Carlo Zota who had used a time-travel spell created by Sise-Neg that had the potential to damage the multiverse. Doctor Strange cast a spell for the team to follow him and the Surfer found himself once again in the previous iteration of the Multiverse on the planet Taa which was being attacked by that worlds planet-eater Omnimax. They ended up teaming up with that worlds hero Taaia to protect the planet. She took the team home with her to plan their next move where he met the future Galactus as a baby and realized Taaia was his mother. Realizing Galan's mother was inattentive he decided to use the opportunity to teach him compassion, hoping it would encourage him to try harder to resist his hunger in the future. He was confronted by the Masked Raider who believed he was trying to kill the infant, he admitted he knew who he was under the mask because he could read his aura but wasn't interested in revealing his identity. The raider told him he brought the team together for a reason but wasn't gonna let any of them ruin his plans to stop Zota. The next day the team went to confront Omnimax directly and the Surfer ended up fighting Zota who had become his herald. Zota appeared to have the advantage since Omnimax was much more powerful than Galactus but the Surfer convinced Zota to try and steal his power and then easily depowered him as his very long life had given him much more experience with their power source than Zota. Doctor Strange and Taaia put his magic and her science together to defeat Omnimax but after doing so they were all taken further back in time to the Fifth Cosmos leaving only the Surfer behind.