Shuichi Kagaya (w/Claire Aoki)

Shuichi Kagaya (w/Claire Aoki)

universe Gleipnir Universe

Shuichi Kagaya's powers and abilities

Nanotech Upgrade - Like all Monsters in the Gleipnir universe, Shuichi has ingested a nanotech cocktail that, on top of giving him a monstrous transformation, has greatly enhanced his normal human physique to near superhuman levels. His life expectancy and senses have also been increased. His body appears to repair itself fairly rapidly, being able to heal from broken bones and the like in only a few minutes. Notably, Shuichi no longer needed his glasses after drinking the concoction.

Transformation - Upon transformation, Shuichi takes on a dog/wolf-like mascot form. While in this form, he becomes strong enough to smash concrete with minimal effort and is resistant to most types of damage (notably fire). Most notably, Shuichi's sense of smell is drastically increased, allowing him to differentiate different people's blood from a mixture, track enemies from hundreds of meters away and he can "see" in the dark with his nose. His abilities are further improved when Claire 'suits up' and joins with him. Together, they are much more capable of performing intensive maneuvers and gain a psychic-like link to one another.

30mm Revolver - Upon transformation, Shuichi creates a large revolver loaded with 6 bullets. This gun as been more than capable of killing most monsters with one shot and can be compared to a small caliber cannon. The revolver dissolves into nothing if Shuichi returns to his human form.

Claire - Claire's presence inside of Shuichi greatly increases his combat effectiveness and the two together make a quite capable tactical mind. Claire can also leave Shuichi's body and assist in numerous ways, such as taking the revolver and providing support fire.

Fusion - In specific scenarios (such as when he was squished by Subaru), Shuichi may completely fuse with the person inside of him, yielding a monster much more powerful than the sum of the originals. Each form is unique to the person he fuses with and results vary heavily.

Shuichi Kagaya's weaknesses

Sluggishness - Shuichi is very sluggish and uncoordinated without someone inside of him, although this weakness has lessened over time as he has become more at-ease in his transformed state.