Sherlock Holmes (TV Series)

Sherlock Holmes (TV Series)

Sherlock Holmes

Sherlock Holmes's History

Sherlock Holmes (born William Sherlock Scott Holmes) is the world's only consulting detective, a profession he created for himself. He is based in London and often consulted by Greg Lestrade of New Scotland Yard, usually taking his best friend and former flatmate, John Watson, on cases. He has a keen interest in unusual or bizarre crimes, without which he rapidly becomes bored, relying on nicotine to keep his brain active, although in the past he has dabbled in illegal drugs such as heroin for entertainment.

Sherlock is a thinker and an observer; his incredible ability to notice and draw deductions from seemingly trivial details is his primary tool for solving crimes he investigates. He also often utilises his "mind palace", a tool for remembering the smallest of details and visually organising his memories. However, his unusual and somewhat anti-social personality has led to many in the official police force distrusting and disliking him.

Sherlock claims on more than one occasion to be a "high-functioning sociopath". However, according to Jim Moriarty, as well as Sherlock's own actions and displays of emotion and empathy, this may not be true. Sherlock does not seem to exhibit any of the symptoms of an anti-social personality disorder. John jokes once, to explain Sherlock's behaviour, that he might suffer from Asperger's Syndrome, a disorder on the autism spectrum, though this has never been confirmed.