Shelia Martini

Shelia Martini

universe Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Shelia Martini's History

Sheila smoked since she was in fifth grade (according to Willow, who had once looked out for her), dated a boy nicknamed "Meatpie", and had a reputation for being both wild and dangerous. She blew off the assignment Principal Snyder forced upon Buffy Summers and herself to prepare Sunnydale High for the upcoming Parent-Teacher Night.

After leaving the Fish Tank with two drunk guys, Dwayne and Dell, she was seduced by Spike. Sheila was taken to the abandoned Bric & Broc factory, bound and gagged and then given to Drusilla, who needed to be fed as she was too weak to hunt for herself. Dru obliged and presented Shelia in front of her dolls as an "audience". Shelia could only helplessly watch in panic as Dru changed to vamp face before turning to her and going for her neck, draining her blood and killing her.

Sheila was then sired and rose as a vampire, taking part in the raid on Sunnydale High led by Spike. She ran into Buffy when the Slayer was helping the students and faculty find refuge from the marauding vampires of the Order of Aurelius. Sheila pretended she was still human and offered to help.

Once Buffy's back was turned, she shifted to vamp face and attempted to kill her with an axe. However, Rupert Giles saw the attack coming from one of the classroom windows, and managed to warn Buffy who easily thwarted the attack and knocked Shelia back. After Sheila recovered and witnessed another vampire being dusted by the Slayer, she withdrew and escaped into the night.