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These are the 50 latest comments made by Shadow15kRyans

62 months member
Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne issue #2, Comfirms Grant Morrisons Infinite Fictional Hypertime Scaling talked about here:

As officially canon

Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne issue #6, They Reveal True Darkseid is the Hole in things given form! Where he appears in a moment of Bruce's ascension through the Hyper Adapter feeling ultra comics aka the Page itself that is almost "Alive", and while that happens True Darkseid says "I AM the HOLE that Remains when everything else has gone. The Emptiness shaped like GOD. GIVE UP THE FIGHT LITTLE MAN. And Die For DARKSEID."
During this very same issue the VERY SAME Reboot Occurs, Which Leads to Batman Becoming Batman, and Positioning wise is the Very Same Reboot that Created Modern DC Cosmology all because of the Hyper Adapter the Omega Sanction!
This SADLY Came with the Side Result of him being in ego death then, because CONSIDERING this he HAS NO EGO, NO IDENTITY, hence why in Infinite Frontier he claims he finally "Reconstituted" his "Lesser forms"
ANYWAYS THIS IS WHY He hasn't shown up since Infinite Frontier during 2021 EVEN THOUGH, he existed in this Rebooted catatonic state ever since 2010

JLA 2006 issue #34 Comfirms his Emanations fall DIDN'T JUST almost Destroy the Fiction of DC, BUT it Destroyed the Fiction of Milestone Comics COMPLETELY and entire Fiction away, comfirming Multi-Fictional Scaling.

The Unexpected 2018 issue #8, Mandrakk Says that said "Beast in Darkness" talked about during Final Crisis: Superman Beyond, and the thing that corrupted him was humanities Filth
"It was ME the moniter sent to explore this scap... This... FLAW that would grow into a triptych multiverse.
They said i was INFECTED by the Stink of Creation. YOUR STINK.
You are the reason i was barred from heaven."
Don't you see now... Darkseid being the DARK-SIDE of everything, the Jungian Archetypal Dark-Side of beings personalities, the Tigerforce, and the very FLAW that fell backwards in time to split the overmoniter (hence how he became the Dark-Side of everything), that would later on Infect Mandrakk and the Moniter Species as a side result!

*Dark Nights Metal Starts*
Dark Nights Metal 2017 issue #1 Reveals that the Dark Multiverse is the HOLE/Darkness at the Base of the Multiverse. The Very same HOLE at the base of the Multiverse left over by the FALL of Darkseid, that lead to the origin of a new creation as talked about in Final Crisis issue #7

Batman: Lost 2017, In this issue where batman is stuck in the Dark Multiverse during Dark Nights Metal issue #2
In This Issue Batman is getting Brainwashed and therefore is Forgetful and Uncredible AF... UNTIL Barbatos aka the Only Credible Source of this issue Says, "I MADE YOU. The Bat, I am the Bat Bruce"!

This is a BLATENT Reference to Scott Snyders Batman: The Court of Owls, which BLATENTLY shows the VERY SAME scene that happens during Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne issue #6, with the Reboot when batman becomes batman with the bat.

This when stacked on top of Dark Nights Metal issue #2 with Batman Talking about how he can use Baby Darkseid to try and Reverse the event of Batman issue #702, COMFIRMS that Scott Snyder Barbatos has AT LEAST a Indirect Connection to the Hyper Adapter... And, As Metron Says in Batman: The Return of Bruce Wayne issue #6 is apart of "Darkseid's Grand Design." where he says instanlty afterwords "Summon the ALL_OVER."...
Soooo, Yeeeeah... Current Snyder Barbatos is COMFIRMED to be part of AT LEAST "Darkseids Grand Design" according to Scott Snyders text. And, Darkseid is EVEN Comfirmed to have made the Hole/Darkness at the Base of the Multiverse THE DARK MULTIVERSE as talked about in Final Crisis issue #7. And, With his Gentry Connections is the ENTIRE REASON why in "Dark Nights Rising: The Wild Hunt" the Gentry Appears in the Center of the Dark Multiverse!

Considering All of this... Considering Darkseid made the Dark Multiverse, uses Current Barbatos as a Mere Tool, and Created the Event which lead to Dr Manhatten (The Being of Creation Energies) coming into DC and the Flashpoint, AND has Perfect Timing/Positioning of Said Reboot in Batman: The Return Of Bruce Wayne issue #6. Comfirms that EVEN LIKELY PERPETUA, is a mere tool he has been using, and EVEN World Forger and current Cosmological Lore is likely a façade darkseid employed to hide the heroes from the Truth...
While he manipulated the Hands of Creation into Forcing Timelines to be Woven together again, to help Reconstitute his Lesser forms!

And, NOW
We FINALLY Made it to Infinite Frontier 2021 issue #0, where he FINALLY is back, more powerful then any being we have ever seen existed...

A Beast Nevertheless...
I talk about this IN DEPTH, in a Thread, and give the scans and all that in this thread here:

I think y'all will enjoy it (shameless plug LOL)! 😁👍
62 months member
Seven Soldiers: Mr Miracle, Shows That the Omega Sanction is Apart of Darkseid, Darkseid has the Anti-Life and is on Earth in Human Form among Depowered New Gods of Genesis, and Directly hints Text wise, AND Imagery wise, the Omega Sanction with the Interior of the Black Hole and the "Existential Abyss"

Seven Soldiers issue #0, The Seven Unknown Men of Slaughter Swamp who are Author Level beings, GTFO of DC Fiction before Darkseid comes saying "We've Done all we CAN. This world is on its OWN now."

DC Universe 2008 issue #0, Darkseid Falls... He Is Compared to the Primal Qualities by Batman, and is Commonly Referred to as "The Shadow", which is a hint towards his Jungian Archetypal Nature being the tigerforce, and the interview during Jack Kirby Collector issue #49 throughout the entire comic.

Final Crisis issue #5 Darkseid is Comfirmed to have fell backwards in time just after the "Middle Crisis" (which you can figure out via the Seven Soldiers Crossover with Infinite Crisis, and JLA 2006 series) hence how the heroes didn't see it coming
Dark Side Club Starts

Final Crisis issue #5 Becomes One with Everything, a Black HOLE at the Center of Everything.

Final Crisis issue #6 and Batman 1940 issue #702, Batman Shoots Darkseid with the Radion bullet, and Idea bullet Representing all possible bullets in time and space including metaphorical... We ALSO Get Comfirmation in Batman 1940 issue #702 that "Time is the Omega Sanction". Which When Combined with DC Universe 2008 issue #0 text (Which Comfirms the Narrator in Text IS THE FLASH later on in text in this issue) leads to Darkseid having DIRECT connections to the Creation of the Flashpoint, with the Flashpoint just being a Smaller scale result of Flash, and Doctor Manhatten Essentially being Batmans Bullet against Darkseid.

Multiversity Reveals Darkseids Godhead is Shattered, and Reveals the Gentrified Nix Uotan Revives True Darkseid...
Just to Later on, have this Gentrified Nix Uotan Show off the 17 steps of the Oblivion Machine, with a Rubix Cube like Motherbox...
Which Coincidentally Was Directly hinted as being Darkseid when Metron with the very Same motherbox completes these very same 17 steps of the oblivion machine during Final Crisis issue #5 page 31 - 32, just to have Darkseid become a Black Hole at the center of everything 2 Pages later... And, FUN FACT, There is EVEN MORE Direct Connections!
In Multiversity: Ultra Comics, They Directly List off Final Crisis as Synomyn to "World Crisis! Cosmic Crisis!", which makes Sense considering it's usage in "Final Crisis: Revelations" and "Crisis on Infinite Earths" issue #11. Implying True Darkseid has DIRECT Meta Connections to Empty Hand, the Gentry, and the Oblivion Machine, via being the DARK-SIDE of the Readers above the Page, hence how the Empty Hand is the "Ultimate Enemy" in the first place!

Batman 1940 issue #702, When Combined with Batman and Robin 2009, Comfirms the Hyper Adapter Batman made is ACTUALLY Barbatos! While a banana peel in Batman and Robine 2009 issue #14 by the joker as "Big Mike. Gods Top Gun. His Head Banana." just to have him soon later on say "The Banana represents the Primal Gag THE FALL."
Just to have 1 issue Later Dr Hurt a being possesed by the Hyper Adapter (which runs on Darkseids omega sanction) slip on this VERY SAME banana peel, and FALL around the EXACT same time the Evil god Darkseid fell onto the DC Verse... Giving Even Satan Himself Direct Connections to Darkseid, which HONESLTY kinda makes sense considering after all Darkseid is the Great Darkness itself as shown off in the Great Darkness Saga, AND since he was already referred to as the Shadow Archetype in prior feats (which has ALOT to do with Religions, Story Telling, and Mythological tales of THE FALL, like the Fall of Lucifer)
Last edited: 3 y 8 mo 11 d ago.
62 months member
He has ALOT of Feats... I will just make a list for y'all in order though, and then link a Quora Thread i made that gives the scans and explains everything in depth...
*First Final Crisis*
New Gods 1977 issue #17 - 19, Depowers all new gods with 1/6th of the Anti-Life Equation, and One Shots Orion. Also Comfirms that the Anti-Life Amplifies the power of his Omega Effect

*Jack Kirby Moves to Marvel and Back, and then The Great Comic Crash Occurs, hence the huge time gap*

Adventure Comics 1938 issue #456 - #460, Darkseid 4 shot almost kills a Depowered Highfather (while empowered himself), and is Defeated by Oriong and the Source getting shoved into the Source Wall.
*End of First Final Crisis*

The Entire Great Darkness Saga, Where he Consumes Magic World Zerox, and still isn't at full power... Which would scale him above normal magic, but below hectate like this Hectate>Darkseid>Magic. This scales him above the likes of M'Nagelah in Swamp Thing 1972 issue #8, making him a multi-fiction busting threat AT LEAST.

Legion of Superheroes: Foundations and Quite Darkness Saga... Reveals That Removing Darkseid From the Timeline would wipeout the Entire DC verse down to the 6th Dimension...
This has direct ties to the later on New Gods 1995 issue #11 issue as i will talk about later!

Crisis On Infinite Earths issue #12, One Shot Decapitates Anti-Moniter

*Time Gap of Apocryphalness that i skipped, which i will explain in the linked post later*

New Gods 1995 issue #1-3, Bullies his way into the Source with his Tech, and merely destroys the Source just by Existing in it...

New Gods 1995 issue #8 Comfirms he let his son orion kill him, to drive the source insane.

New Gods 1995 issue #11 FINALLY Kills off the Source, Forcing a Reboot, which created all modern day New God True Forms we all know and love (They Still Existed Beforehand but in lesser defined forms). This is Comfimed multiple issue later during New Gods 1995 issue #15, with the FIRST EVER mention of True Form New Gods Appearing showing they are naturally apart of the Source Wall as a Side Result!
This is why removing Darkseid is a BAD IDEA, as shown off in Legion of Superheroes: Foundations because Darkseid is the VERY SAME energy source powering this reboot, and keeping the source alive in the first place!!!

New Gods 1995 issue #12 - 15 Comfirmation Darkseid, and Highfather Fueling the Source's Creation wide reboot ACTUALLY caused and Created the Godwave event in Jack Kirby's Fourth World 1997 and Genesis 1997.

Spectre 1992 issue #58 (Takes Place during Genesis 1997 issue #3) The Spectre Directly Compares Darkseid to the Great Evil Beast and/or Godwave Amped Ares

Genesis 1997 issue #4 Freezes Godwave Amped Ares with his Tech

New Year Evil (Villains) Darkseid issue #1, Darkseid is Revealed to have Fought on Par with Ares to a Stalemate during Genesis issue #4 after the Gods Facedown, hence why at the end of Genesis issue #4 Darkseid was Stuck ANOTHER layer deep into the Source Wall... Hence how his Avatars Depowering, losing his power during "Our Worlds At War" occured, since he was stuck in this wall for "Multiple Eons" as comfirmed by Jack Kirby's Fourth World 1997 issue #14.

Jack Kirby's Fourth World 1997 #18, Avatar aka Physical Form Darkseid when finally escaping the wall, when Kalibak tries to Challenge him... Claims "Oh it will End Kalibak. But It Will End as i have Scripted it...", comfirming his True Form see's reality almost as an author writing a Script at least

Spectre 2001 issue #19, Near the end, When Spectre asks the Source "Who is Darkseid" the source BLATENTLY Metaphorically Comfirms True Darkseid ever since AT LEAST New Gods 1995 issue #11 is the DARK-SIDE of the Source.

Jack Kirby Collector 2007 issue #49 in a interview between Grant Morrison and Adam McGovern they Further Comfirm Darkseid is the DARK-SIDE of Everything on ALL scales, including our own Jungian Archetypal Dark-Side the Shadow Archetype!

*This Era is Still canon, but Apocryphal as Grant Morrison comfirms in a Deleted Newsrama interview and here:

Where it says
"Humorously enough, Grant reconciled this horrible lead-in to his story by positioning both Starlin's Death of the New Gods conclusion and the final issue of Countdown to Final Crisis as apocryphal versions of the same unseen story. Morrison also subtlety implied that the conflicting tales could be the result of the Monitors' interference mucking up the entire Cosmic Multiverse (a damning commentary if I ever heard one...).”, aka these events in between here were unseen by us readers of the Real World due to the Break Down of the Moniter Species, and vast Immensity of the events occuring
Being Apocryphal =/= Being Non Canon, sooo imma still mention some feats here to give a general idea of what happened*

Death of New Gods issue #7 and #8 Consumes the Soulfire Formula and beats the Source

Countdown to Final Crisis 2007 issue #48 Death of New Gods Crossover

Countdown To Final Crisis 2007 issue #44, Mentions his role in Crisis on Infinite Earths issue #12, where he ONE SHOT Decapitates anti-moniter

Countdown To Final Crisis 2007 issue #8, One Shots Monitor Soloman in a Metaphorical Game of Chess that Represents Reality. And, Manipulates all large scale events like the Break Down of the Moniter Species, and Monarch like a Game of Chess

Countdown to Final Crisis 2007 issue #2, 4 Shots Soulfire Amped Jimmy Oleson easily

*Out of Apocryphal Era, and Back to Strict Accurate Continuity again*
Last edited: 3 y 8 mo 11 d ago.