Set (Merged)

Set (Merged)


universe Gods of Egypt (2016, Movie)

Set's History

Set arrived at the coronation of his nephew Horus who was to be crowned king by Osiris. He brought him a hunting horn as a gift and when it was blown into, the sound brought forth Set's army. The army covered the mortals while Set demanded to fight his brother for the throne of Egypt. Osiris refused and Set impaled him with his knife, leaving Horus to battle his uncle. Despite the power Horus possessed, Set managed to gain the upper hand by blinding his nephew with the sun reflecting off his shield and the shields of his troops.

Set gouged out his eyes and almost killed him, however, Hathor stopped him from doing so and Set spared him and exiled him before taking the throne for himself. Once Set was king, he ensured that gods and humans would have to buy their way into the afterlife with offers of riches and began a campaign to conquer the world, as well as slay any god or goddess who stood in his way. He also forced the construction of a massive obelisk honoring his father Ra and took Hathor as a lover.

Set took Osiris's corpse to his brother's first temple and had him butchered, carved up into 14 piece. He took his brother's heart for himself, leaving the other 13 pieces for Horus to find and lay to rest along with his mother in a tomb. Set waged war on the gods who defied him, led by his own wife Nephthys. In the final crush, he confronted his wife, and after she slighted him with various opinions, among which was his inability to sire children, he captured her as she sought to fly away and severed her wings before killing her. He took her wings and added them to Osiris's heart and Horus's left eye in his plan to augment himself.

After discovering Horus's right eye had be stolen from his vault, he dispatched subordinates to locate Horus and identify the thief. When only the general returned, wounded by Horus, who Set discovered had regained his right eye and slain the others he set, he executed the general and sent his two favourte hunters and their pet giant snakes after Horus.

When Horus and his entourage entered his pyramid to quench the Desert Fire, the source of Set's might, Set sprung a trap in the form of a cage that captured Horus and the escaped Hathor. Set killed Thoth by ripping his brain out, the final piece he needed to augment himself, and taunted Horus and Hathor before revealing to Bek that resurrecting the dead was impossible, even for the King of All Egypt, crushing his hopes. Pitting Bek against Horus, Set distracted him long enough to seize the flask containing a small measure of the Waters of Creation from him and disposed of it before leaving the two gods and one mortal to die, triggering the total collapse of his pyramid once he exited in a bid to finish the three off.

With all the required organs from other gods, Set had himself augmented with the Wings of Nephthys, the Brain of Thoth, the Heart of Osiris and the All-Seeing Eye. Augmented, Set finally was capable of reaching Ra. Journeying to Ra, he confronted his father peacefully at first, possibly trying to gain closure and answers to his lifelong questions. However when denied immortality by his father, Set drew his khopesh. Ra unleashed an extended blast of his spear on Set to incinerate him, however ,Set resisted it just barely by taking on his godly form before it hit him and lasting it out. While Ra was struck with disbelief at his survival, Set drove his khopesh through Ra's chest before disarming him and turning Ra's own weapon on him, casting him into the Waters of Creation, believing him dead. Possibly unknown to Set, Ra was barely wounded and healed fast,but required his spear to rise again.

Now in possession of Ra's spear, Set unleashed Apophis and descended to land atop the obelisk he had built, transforming back. He fired the spear continuously into the sky to act as a beacon to lure Apophis to the source of all life, which attracted the attention of Horus and Bek. Horus climbed the obelisk and made to ambush Set from behind, however Set detected him and fired the spear at him, which his nephew narrowly dodged. He battled Horus atop the obelisk, holding a constant advantage of his nephew, destroying the spear Horus used against him and having Horus at his mercy before Bek used his grappling hook to divert Ra's spear from killing Horus. Declaring Bek a pest, Set took on his godly form and seized the mortal, smashing him into one of the corner statues atop the obelisk.

Bek dislodged Horus's left eye from Set's forehead, which Set only realised after throwing the human onto the top of the obelisk, mortally wounding him. Bek attempted to throw Horus his missing eye, however, his throw was off and he tumbled down one side of the obelisk, while the eye fell down the other, Horus in between. Ultimately, Horus chose to try to save Bek but was forced to let them both fall after Set reclaimed Ra's spear and stabbed it into the roof of the obelisk, sending molten stone down at them. During the fall, Horus regained his godly form and full powers due to his efforts to save Bek and his remorse for how he treated him setting him back on his intended path, rescuing Bek and placing him safely on the ground far away from the obelisk.

Set took flight after Horus, but his nephew met him in the air, dodging every single blast from Ra's spear with grace and ease. Compared to the graceful and perfect flight of the Lord of the Air, Set's flight was jagged and clumsy. Nonetheless, Set still made the fatal mistake of engaging Horus in his own domain, the sky, where Horus reigned supreme, which led to Horus dismantling him with ease unlike their previous battle, which had been on the ground in Set's element. Horus flew inside the obelisk and tricked Set by diving out a window whilst covered by an explosion caused by Set missing him once more with Ra's spear and circled around the outside of the tower and came through a higher window behind Set and spear-tackled him into the wall, dragging his face through it until he reached the top. Set was smashed through the roof of his obelisk headfirst by Horus, who then ripped off the Wings of Nephthys and hurled him into the ground far below, allowing the entire obelisk to collapse on Set and cripple him before taking Ra's spear and executing him with it despite Set reminding him that he had spared Horus a year prior, stating "I won't make that mistake."