Still working on the new Season.

Season 5: Halloween 2024

Defend the website from evil mechs!

Halloween 2024

Season Information

Season 5 will start on October 15th.

Season 5 Forum Topic


Level 1
Stinglord of ShadowsStinglord of Shadows
Type: Emperor Scorpion
Spawn rate: 3
Points: 1250-2500
Negative: 45%
Timed: -
Level 2
Agony HeraldAgony Herald
Type: Tarantula Hawk Wasp
Spawn rate: 5
Points: 400-800
Negative: -
Timed: 8s [-65%]
Level 3
Writhing DeathspineWrithing Deathspine
Type: Amazonian Giant Centipede
Spawn rate: 9
Points: 100-400
Negative: 20%
Timed: -
Level 4
Widow of ShadowsWidow of Shadows
Type: Black Widow
Spawn rate: 12
Points: 50-200
Negative: -
Timed: 4s [-10%]
Level 5
Abyssal StrikerAbyssal Striker
Type: Diving Beetle
Spawn rate: 14
Points: 25-50
Negative: -
Timed: 10s
Level 6
Sting of SufferingSting of Suffering
Type: Bullet Ant
Spawn rate: 27
Points: 5-20
Negative: -
Timed: -
Level 7
Lurking ParasiteLurking Parasite
Type: Deer Tick
Spawn rate: 30
Points: 5-10
Negative: -
Timed: 15s [-200%]


Defeating an enemy has a chance to spawn the Mega Boss or a Special.

[hidden name][hidden name]
Type: Giant Praying Mantis
Spawn rate: 5
Points: 5000-7500
Negative: -
Timed: No
Bonus 1
Healing HoneybeeHealing Honeybee
Type: Healing Honeybee
Spawn rate: 15
Points: 500-750
Negative: -
Timed: No
Bonus 2
Silkworm MothSilkworm Moth
Type: Silkworm Moth
Spawn rate: 30
Points: 200-400
Negative: -
Timed: No
Winged WonderWinged Wonder
Type: Corvus corax
Spawn rate: 5
Points: 1500-2500
Negative: -
Timed: No