Sean Pierce

Sean Pierce

Sean Pierce


Sean Pierce's History

Sean Mason Pierce was an Oversight agent and a Navy Seal assigned by Oversight to keep an eye on Amanda. He was a love interest to Alex and had deep feelings for her. Sean's mother Madeline was in fact a member of Oversight.

Being a military man, Sean had a code of honor that makes him disagree with many of Division's policies. When Division agent, Lisa, was captured, Sean insisted that Amanda provide him operational support instead of abandoning her agent, yelling "You never leave a man behind!"

While working with Division, Sean tried to get everyone to do the right thing, such as when he tried convincing Oversight to spare Ryan Fletcher or Nikita to turn Jonathan Gaines over to the proper authorities.

However, despite being a military man and staying true to his mission of retrieving the Black Box from Nikita, Sean's choices on how to do so seems questionable. For example, he tells his mother that he plans on seducing Alex as a means of luring out Nikita, since the two still had a connection.

Sean began to develop feelings for Alex. He later becomes jealous of Owen/Sam and Alex's relationship. He tries to get Alex to tell him about her butterfly tattoo and tries to break down her defenses. Eventually, he gets Alex to open up to him.

Sean is very loyal to his mother, Madeline Pierce. He will "do whatever it takes" to protect her.