Sauron (Physical Form/With the One Ring)

Sauron (Physical Form/With the One Ring)

Lord of the Rings Universe


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Sauron (Physical Form/With the One Ring)
33 months member
@Hesperus are Gandalf and Sauron the same species? If so do they have the same abilities ?
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Sauron (Physical Form/With the One Ring)
51 months member
Both Gandalf (true form: Olórin) and Sauron are Ainur, who existed before Eä, and they entered Eä (= the Universe / World / Reality) when it was created.
By entering Eä they became limited (to some extent) to the laws which govern the Universe, and Ainur who entered Eä were later called Maiar or Valar (the superior gods of the Pantheon, like e.g. Manwë were called Valar, and their co-workers or subordinates (e.g. Olórin) were called Maiar).

Melkor (originally a Valar, in terms of rank) has a similar relationship to Sauron (a Maiar, his most important subordinate), as is the case with Manwë - Olórin.
Last edited: 1 d ago.
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Sauron (Physical Form/With the One Ring)
33 months member
@xrpl320 I’m gonna be honest, I have absolutely no idea what you just said. If it helps this is movie Sauron.