Saheeli (Pre-Mending)

Saheeli (Pre-Mending)

Saheeli Rai

universe Magic: the Gathering

Saheeli's powers and abilities

Neowalker - Saheeli is a Post-Mending Planeswalker, allowing her to freely travel through the Blind Eternities to other planes without being erased from existence. Her Spark also grants her immunities to various corrupting effects and raises many of her base resistances and gives her a much greater mana pool than any average being. Planeswalkers also possess the ability to summon mana duplicates of allies they have made throughout their journeys.

Inventor - Saheeli's keen mind allows her to quickly and efficiently design new machines and artifacts to assist her in any endeavor. She has also proven capable of quickly copying the designs of others and adapting them to her own use.

Ferrokinetic Magic - Saheeli wields blue and red mana, which grants her a magical command over metal that she uses for artifice and the creation of lifelike artifacts and constructs. She is even able to transmute metals from one into the other.