

Superhero Database Original Characters

Sagittarius's History

he is an intergalactic being with higher technology than any universe in my multiverse

he has the power to bend and manipulate logic and the foundations of physics.

he can cause energy blast that breaks the universe apart.

he examines black holes and manipulates them to accumulate special black matter

where he has complete access to the matter itself.

but he uses it to create new worlds from that energy.

he is neutral and is on no one's or everyone's side when it comes to his quest

he is immortal

because of that it consumes black matter.

he has the power to create everything from his energies and new worlds and technology or thus has enough power to distort reality. with that energy he has

he has cosmic consciousness and is a partially or unconsciously hive mind.

he has peers who travel through different universes to absorb what is dead and use that energy to create new things with it.

he is an intergalactic force that is in a certain armor to do his physical work

but has access to quantum technology