Sabrina Spellman

Sabrina Spellman

Sabrina Spellman's History

Season 1

In her sophomore year of high school, Sabrina's father, Edward, gets called away to the foreign services and her mother, Diana, goes on an archaeological dig in Peru so she moves in with her zany aunts Zelda and Hilda in their Victorian house in Westbridge, a small suburb near Boston. At Westbridge High School, she befriends oddball Jenny, meets and develops a close relationship with football player Harvey Kinkle and becomes rivals with the popular captain of the cheerleading squad, Libby Chessler.

On her sixteenth birthday, Sabrina discovers that she is a witch. However, because she is a witch, she cannot communicate with her mortal mother for two years or else the later will turn into a ball of wax, on decree of the Witches Council. Additionally, her father, who is a witch, is in the Other Realm Foreign Services though she can talk to him through his picture in the Magic Book. Her aunts and their Familiar, Salem, a witch who tried to take over the world and was punished by being made into a cat, help her to slowly learn how to control her magical powers while she also tries to navigate through high school like a normal teenager. She slowly learns how to use these powers, starting with turning oranges, and even Libby, into pineapples.

Season 2

Upon her 17th birthday, Sabrina finds out that she must get her Witch's License. In preparation, she meets her Quizmaster, a personal tutor who will visit her regularly and conduct tests of her magical prowess.

In her personal life, all of her responsibilities and extra-curricular activities put a strain on her relationship with Harvey and the two ultimately decide to start seeing other people, especially on the request of their respective guardians. She meets the anxiety-ridden and overly-shy Valerie and the two soon become best friends in the mysterious absence of Jenny. She finds herself making some very difficult decisions including giving up some of her extra-curricular activities as well as spending less time with Valerie and Harvey, as she needs to study hard for her Witch's License.

Meanwhile, Sabrina meets fellow half-witch/half-mortal, Dashiell Calzone with whom she starts having feelings for as a result of the many things they share in common. Unfortunately, at the same time, Harvey claims his desire to officially renew their relationship. In lieu of the decision to be made, Sabrina sends a letter to her mother in Peru, resulting in the Quizmaster telling her that because she broke the rules she now has to choose between keeping her magic and seeing her mother ever again.

Sabrina ultimately chooses her mother, and her magic is taken away. However, after Sabrina comes back from visiting her mom, she finds out that the decision was only a test, which she passed, earning her magic back.

Season 3

Just when Sabrina thinks she can't choose between Harvey and Dashiell, she finally gets notice that she has passed all of her tests and can get her witch's license which would allow her the power to make her final decision. But, as it turns out, it is locked and in order to use it she must first figure out her family secret.

After discovering this, she uses a "follow your heart spell" which reveals her love for Harvey over Dashiell.

Sabrina and her aunts are visited by many family members who give her clues that will help her solve the family secret and who also sometimes get her in or out of wacky situations.

Sabrina and her aunts go to a family reunion in Hawaii where she discovers she must solve the family secret before she has any fun. When she finally solves the secret and discovers that "every member of the Spellman family is born with a twin," she must go on trial with her identical twin, Katrina, to prove that she's the good twin as one must be evil and the other good. The initial trial reveals that Sabrina is in fact the evil twin and as is customary, she must be thrown into a volcano by Katrina. However, this was also a test and when Katrina readily pushes Sabrina into the volcano without hesitation, she is revealed as the true evil twin. This makes Sabrina the good twin and she finally receives her Witch's License as Katrina is sent to prison in the Other Realm.

Season 4

Sabrina begins her senior year of high school and is very excited it about it; she won't have to deal with Libby anymore because her parents sent her to private school after she was mean one too many times, Valerie's family moved to Alaska so now she's moving in with the Spellmans, and Mr. Kraft is no longer vice principal. However, Sabrina becomes downtrodden when Valerie decides to go to Alaska with her family, it is revealed that Mr. Kraft is now the principal, and Harvey gets a new best friend in Brad Alcerro who doesn't seem to like her at all. Sabrina discovers that unbeknownst to Brad, he is a witch hunter which is the reason why he subconsciously takes a disliking to Sabrina. She must be careful because if he discovers her secret, she will be turned into a mouse for 100 years.

Additionally, the Witch's Council orders Sabrina to become a witch tutor, which is like a quizmaster except "quizmasters get paid." She has to mentor a witch named Dreama who is new to the mortal realm. Sabrina and Dreama soon become friends despite Dreama's clumsiness with magic and unfamiliarity with the mortal realm.

Sabrina also gets a job at a coffee house and becomes attracted to her new boss, Josh. They eventually share a kiss and Harvey catches them and breaks up with Sabrina. They would soon get back together after both of them apologize for the downward spiral in their relationship beforehand.

With her senior year closely coming to a close, Sabrina gets hassled by different people to go to different colleges, but ends up deciding to go to her dream school, John Adams College.

In the season finale, Sabrina casts a spell to make Josh and Harvey fight for her affections, but she discovers that it is a fight to the death which they both fortunately survive. Josh's memory is wiped clean but Harvey reaches his spell quota and finally finds out Sabrina is a witch.

Season 5

Summer has just finished and Sabrina and Harvey have broken up. Sabrina (along with Salem) has been attending regular counseling sessions in the Other Realm to get over their break up. Sabrina also starts her freshman year at Adams College. Aunt Hilda's clock shop has gone under.

Sabrina moves out of her aunts' house and into an off campus residence with new roommates; aloof, tough as nails Roxie King, awkward science fiction nerd Miles Goodman, and ditzy, self-absorbed Morgan Cavanaugh.

Throughout the season, Sabrina's aunts both start new jobs in an effort to stay close to their niece: Zelda accepts a professor position at Adams while Hilda buys the coffee house where Sabrina continues to work.

Despite her lingering feelings for Harvey, Sabrina continues developing feelings for Josh who starts dating Morgan. However, Sabrina has a short lived relationship with musician Kevin O'Connor. The year, however, ends with Sabrina and Josh sharing a kiss.

Season 6

Sabrina's happiness with Josh is soon rocked when she learns, after his return from Europe, that he has been offered a job in Prague. After a true date with Destiny, she realized he should find his own destiny and is ecstatic to find that he found a job in Boston in order to remain with her. Sabrina is given an internship at the newspaper, the Boston Citizen, where she works alongside Josh.

Sabrina is introduced to the matriarch of the Spellman family, Aunt Irma, her sadistic great aunt that makes of habit of poking her nose in the affairs of her family members, particularly Sabrina and her love life. Irma sees Sabrina as the only person worthy enough to take over as the matriarch of the Spellman family; Irma sees herself in Sabrina.

Sabrina discovers that her mother has been sneaking around her every year since her 16th birthday in order to be near her, however, upon laying eyes on one another, her mother turns into a ball of wax. After Sabrina's tear on Diana's melted wax form returns her back to her human form, Hilda and Zelda tell them that if it happens again, there will be no way to turn her back and the mother and daughter resign that they will never see one another again though Diana confirms that she will continue to come up and be near Sabrina in the shadows.

The year culminates in the marriage of Hilda to a man named Will. When Sabrina and Zelda break them up as they think the marriage is happening too quickly, Hilda turns to stone and falls to pieces because she lost her true soul mate. In order to turn her back, Sabrina gambles her own true love and gets the couple back together, the two marrying at the Spellman home. However, during the ceremony, Sabrina is confronted by three loves, Josh, Harvey, and the caterer who helps her fix her shoe. Josh tells Sabrina that he's decided to take that job in Prague, Harvey tells her that he's moving to California, and the caterer tells her that they can never see each other again and Sabrina turns to stone and falls to pieces.

Season 7

After Sabrina turns to stone, Zelda gives up her adult form and allows herself to be turned into a child in order to return Sabrina back to her human form. Zelda and the newly married Hilda move back to the Other Realm and Sabrina starts a new chapter of her life as a full fledged adult when she moves into her aunts' house with Roxie and Morgan, with frequent visits from Harvey who decided to stay.

After not being able to find a journalism job anywhere, Sabrina lands a position at Scorch Magazine and deals with all of the pros and cons of the new job while coping with her inexperience. Unfortunately, try as she might, Sabrina can't seem to fit in at Scorch especially with her hard-nosed boss Annie always insulting her, even with the mysterious un-seen publisher Johnathan always having her back for unrevealed reasons. For the most part, Sabrina's witchy wackiness ends up alienating her co-workers, and after one final straw near the end of the season, Sabrina stands up for herself, and decides to quit to become a freelance journalist.

Sabrina meets a handsome mortal named Aaron Jacobs who she initially rejects. However, after realizing the problems in her relationships often stem from her own insecurities and secrets, the two start dating. Simultaneously, Harvey tells Roxie and Morgan that he still carries intense feelings for Sabrina. Shortly after, Aaron proposes and the two begin planning their wedding, all the while Sabrina questions what's really in her heart.

On the day of Sabrina's wedding, she searches for her soul stone -- and although the fit is close, Sabrina's and Aaron's soul stones just don't quite match up, proving that their own true soulmates are still out there. Her mother, cousin Amanda, and Hilda visit as well (and Zelda in the form of a candle) for the wedding and to help her through the emotional turmoil. On the altar, she finally admits to herself (and Aaron) that although she loves him, she isn't truly in love with him and it wouldn't be fair to either of them to go through with the marriage. He is surprisingly understanding and when she walks out of the church, Harvey is waiting for her on his motorcycle after receiving his own soul stone from Amanda. As they ride off together, Sabrina's friends and family look on, all saying "it's about time," and it is seen that her and Harvey's soul stones fit together perfectly.