Ronan The Accuser

Ronan The Accuser


universe Ultimate Marvel Universe

Ronan The Accuser's weapons

Ultimate Weapon: Through the the Ultimate Weapon Ronan can: [*]Energy Manipulation: Manipulate any energies it samples. [*]Protection: Protect him from physical and energy attacks. [*]Energy Blasts: Allow him to fire energy blasts. [*]Teleportation Redirection: Redirect teleportation beams. [*]Healing: Heal his wounds. [*]Energy Blackout: Switch off other sources of energy, such as the Human Torch's flame. [*]Teleportation [*]Genetic Keying: It is keyed to Ronan's genetic structure, and if another tries to wield it then it burns to the touch.

Ronan The Accuser's equipment

No equipment information available.
No equipment or weapons connected to Ronan The Accuser