Romulan Bird-of-Prey

Romulan Bird-of-Prey

What is Romulan Bird-of-Prey?

History of Romulan Bird-of-Prey

The T'Liss-class Romulan Bird-of-Prey was a type of space vessel that was in service with the military of the Romulan Star Empire during the late 23rd century. Surviving ships of the class continued to appear in various capacities through the 24th century. Gaining its name from the bold pattern of bird's feathers painted on the ship's ventral hull, the Romulan Bird-of-Prey was in service by the early 21st century, where one was discovered over Earth. The Federation Starfleet first encountered this vessel in 2266, when a single ship of this type crossed the Romulan Neutral Zone and attacked several border outposts, destroying them utterly. The USS Enterprise responded to the alert and engaged in a tense game of cat-and-mouse with the intruder for more than ten hours, before the Bird-of-Prey was destroyed. This ship was also encountered in an alternate timeline experienced by Captain Pike in 2266. The Romulans later used larger numbers to patrol their border with the Federation in force. Typically during an incursion, one Bird-of-Prey would bring a starship out of warp with a plasma torpedo to allow the ships in its battle group to attack the target en masse. When the Enterprise violated the Neutral Zone on the orders of Commodore Stocker in 2267, it was ambushed by a squadron of ten Birds-of-Prey. The other Bird-of-Prey was owned by the warlord Kar Kantar, and was used to attack La Sirena in orbit of the planet Vashti in 2399. The ship, referred to as "antique", was later disabled after combined fire from La Sirena and an unknown attack vessel severed the starboard nacelle. The Bird-of-Prey still managed to score a direct hit on the attacking vessel, which caused it to collide with the planet's defense grid.