Roland Deschain (novel)

Roland Deschain (novel)

The Dark Tower

Roland Deschain's History

Roland was born to Steven and Gabrielle Deschain in the land of Gilead. His mother used to sing the 'Baby-Bunting Rhyme' to him, where he first heard the word 'chassit' at nap times but not at the bed because boys of the gun needed to handle the darkness on their own. We also know about the witnessing of the hanging of Hax, a cook who was an ally to Farson and was willing to poison the children of Taunton. Roland and his friend, Cuthbert, turned Hax in after accidentally overhearing his conversation with a guard. He and his family spent a lot of time on vacation along the shores of Lake Soroni with his pet dog Ringo. When he was a little older he began to follow his father on short trips to Sheriff's Offices in neighboring cities and once all the way to the