Ridian (Star Flash Universe)

OC Ridian (Star Flash Universe)

Malcolm Rufus

universe Superhero Database Original Characters

Ridian's powers and abilities

SIRE stands for Synthetic Intelligent Robotic Entity.

The skeleton is made up of an unknown tungsten-chromium-titanium alloy, the muscular system is made from electroactive stimuli-responsive gel polymers and the skin covering the whole body is made of a non-Newtonian gel substance microscopically impregnated into a titanium-carbon fiber tissue that also contains a full somatosensory system.

Specialized synthetic cells in the skin change the appearance of the skin by adjusting its color, opacity, or reflectivity. Synthetic Chromatophores contain yellow, orange, red, brown, or black pigments. Other color-changing synthetic cells are reflective iridophores and white leucophores. Synthetic opsins in the skin respond to different wavelengths of light and help Ridian choose a coloration that camouflages him; the chromatophores in the skin can also respond to light independently of the eyes.

The rest of the organs normally found on a natural human are not required with the exception of a synthetic brain, eyes and vocal communication ability.

Ridian was designed to appear human so the body contains superficial teeth and a nose. The teeth are unnecessary since Ridian does not need to eat and the nose is only there for human appearance. Ridian does not breath and the smell part of the somatosensory system is distributed within the synthetic skin.

The synthetic brain is a small quantum processor with the ability to process input, thought, creativity, reasoning, learning and self awareness at 10^12 teraflops per second. The synthetic brain also can store up to 1,000^6 exabytes of information and memory.

The artificial eyes are human eye sized cameras with equivalent 20/20 vision along with telescopic, microscopic and infrared spectrums.

The vocal communication is done with a fully moving jaw, tongue and teeth with full speech and annunciation capability in all known languages. The voice can be projected to high volume level, approximate yellowing and screaming as well as mimic any other audible sound ever made.

The power source that makes Ridian possible is a human heart sized cosmic energy crystal that can produce limitless power. The crystal was charged with cosmic energy by the hero Mithion. The properties of the Crystal allow the energy to be continuously recycled. It is essentially an extremely small star.

Nanotechnology plays a big role in the power and communication between the computer brain, energy crystal and somatosensory system. The structure of the artificial neural network is polymorphic and composed of overlapping layers of neurons working collectively.

Synthetic blood full of billions of nanobots serves as the artificial neural transmitter substrate for the synaptic network to connect all systems. The nanobots flow through a network of synthetic veins and arteries and receive recharge power from the crystal then distribute it to all of the systems.

Ridian's weaknesses


Extreme Heat

Extreme Cold


Powerful Corrosives




Intelligence170 IQ
Strength3+ tons
Speed50 m/s

Super Powers

BionicsCamouflageChanging ArmorCyborgizationData ManipulationDexterityDurabilityEnergy BeamsEnergy BlastsFearlessHackingHeat ResistanceInformation AnalysisInorganic PhysiologyIntelligenceMagic ResistanceMicrofilament WiresMind Control ResistanceNanotechnologyRobotic EngineeringSpace SurvivabilitySpaceflightStaminaSuper SpeedSuper StrengthTechnological PossessionTechnopath/CyberpathTelepathy ResistanceToxin and Disease ResistanceVision - InfraredVision - NightVision - TelescopicVision - ThermalAgilityAttack ReflectionAwakened PowerBullet TimeCloakingCold ResistanceDamage BoostDamage ReductionElectricity AbsorptionElectricity ResistanceElectro-Magnetism ManipulationElectrokinesisEMP GenerationEnduranceEnergy AbsorptionEnergy ArmorEnergy ConstructsEnergy ManipulationEnergy ResistanceEnhanced ConditionEnhanced HearingEnhanced MemoryEnhanced SightFire ResistanceFlightForce FieldsIndomitable WillIntimidationInvulnerabilityJumpMagnetismMaster Martial ArtistMaster TacticianMechanical AptitudePerfect RecollectionPower Absorption ImmunityPower SenseRadar SenseRadiation ImmunityReflexesScanningSonarSpatial AwarenessTransformationTransmutation ImmunityVehicular MasteryVision - CryoVision - HeatVision - MicroscopicVision - X-RayZenithAcid ResistantsAcrobaticsAdaptationDisguise ResistanceEcholocationEmpathyEnhanced SmellEnhanced TouchGrappling/ClimbingIllusion ResistanceInterstellar TravelLeadershipLongevityMagic AbsorptionMarksmanshipNatural ArmorShockwaves GenerationSonic ScreamSpatial CommunicationStealthVaporising BeamsVortex CreationWeapons Master