Ridian (Star Flash Universe)

Ridian (Star Flash Universe)

Malcolm Rufus

Superhero Database Original Characters

Ridian's History

Ridian is an android called a SIRE, he is made entirely of high tech synthetic material. Ridian was designed to be humanoid in appearance and as a new body for a dying scientist named Malcom Rufus. He he is alimented by a powerful internal energy source that is an extraterrestrial crystal found on an uninhabited remote planet by the hero Mithion. While exploring the cosmos soon after the accident that give him vast cosmic powers Mithion came across the planet and explored it out of general curiosity. Mithion found the baseball sized blue crystal lying in a small crater and upon touching it, it automatically siphoned some of his power. Thinking that it could come in handy as an emergency backup power storage device Mithion brought it back to Earth. Upon learning that world renown doctor and scientist Malcom Rufus was dying of cancer Mithion offered to try and help save him somehow.

A team of heroes came together to try and help save the good doctor, who himself had saved so many lives with his research. Brilliant 13 year old engineer and designer Raymond Silver, aka the remote controlled high tech armored robot controlling hero known as Artifex designed and fabricated both the Genesis Cradle and synthetic body. It was Dr. Rufus who first had the idea of a synthetic body and the telepathic hero Henry Holmes aka Mentalis who used his abilities to transfer Dr. Rufus’ consciousness into the synthetic body. To power the new body Mithion realized he could offer the crystal he’d found. Holding the crystal in both hands for several minutes it absorbed an amount of Mithion’s cosmic power and immediately began recycling it over and over. The crystal was more than enough to power the synthetic body and Ridian was a success. Dr. Rufus was saved and continued his work saving the lives of dying people around the world while also becoming the powerful hero Ridian alongside those who helped create and save him.

Ridian was created in a device called the “Genesis Cradle”. The Genesis Cradle 3D prints synthetic material to simulate organic tissue, bones and needed organs. The specific procedure for bonding this synthetic body parts to an energy source useable for powering an android is only known by one person.

The process to bond the Cradle's printed tissue to the power source was a success in only one of many attempts. The resulting being was called a SIRE.