Ridian (Star Flash Universe)

Ridian (Star Flash Universe)

Malcolm Rufus

Superhero Database Original Characters


Ridian is an android called a SIRE, he is made entirely of high tech synthetic material. Ridian was designed to be humanoid in appearance and as a new body for a dying scientist named Malcom Rufus. He he is alimented by a powerful internal energy source that is an extraterrestrial crystal found on an uninhabited remote planet by the hero Mithion. While exploring the cosmos soon after the accident that give him vast cosmic powers Mithion came across the planet and explored it out of general curiosity. Mithion found the baseball sized blue crystal lying in a small crater and upon touching it, it automatically siphoned some of his power. Thinking that it could come in handy as an emergency backup power storage device Mithion brought it back to Earth. read more

  • Power Stats

Official Superhero Database stats. | Class: -

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Super Powers

BionicsCamouflageChanging ArmorCyborgizationData ManipulationDexterityDurabilityEnergy BeamsEnergy BlastsFearlessHackingHeat ResistanceInformation AnalysisInorganic PhysiologyIntelligenceMagic ResistanceMicrofilament WiresMind Control ResistanceNanotechnologyRobotic EngineeringSpace SurvivabilitySpaceflightStaminaSuper SpeedSuper StrengthTechnological PossessionTechnopath/CyberpathTelepathy ResistanceToxin and Disease ResistanceVision - InfraredVision - NightVision - TelescopicVision - ThermalAgilityAttack ReflectionAwakened PowerBullet TimeCloakingCold ResistanceDamage BoostDamage ReductionElectricity AbsorptionElectricity ResistanceElectro-Magnetism ManipulationElectrokinesisEMP GenerationEnduranceEnergy AbsorptionEnergy ArmorEnergy ConstructsEnergy ManipulationEnergy ResistanceEnhanced ConditionEnhanced HearingEnhanced MemoryEnhanced SightFire ResistanceFlightForce FieldsIndomitable WillIntimidationInvulnerabilityJumpMagnetismMaster Martial ArtistMaster TacticianMechanical AptitudePerfect RecollectionPower Absorption ImmunityPower SenseRadar SenseRadiation ImmunityReflexesScanningSonarSpatial AwarenessTransformationTransmutation ImmunityVehicular MasteryVision - CryoVision - HeatVision - MicroscopicVision - X-RayZenithAcid ResistantsAcrobaticsAdaptationDisguise ResistanceEcholocationEmpathyEnhanced SmellEnhanced TouchGrappling/ClimbingIllusion ResistanceInterstellar TravelLeadershipLongevityMagic AbsorptionMarksmanshipNatural ArmorShockwaves GenerationSonic ScreamSpatial CommunicationStealthVaporising BeamsVortex CreationWeapons Master


Creator Mithion
UniverseSHDB OC - Superhero Database Original Characters
Character Tier 4 (Moon / Small Planet)
Full name Malcolm Rufus
Alter Egos No alter egos found.
Place of birth Secret Labratory
First appearance
Alignment Good


Gender Male
Species // Type Android
Height 208.3 cm • 6'10"
Weight 136.08 kg • 300.01 lbs
Eye color Blue / White
Hair color No Hair
Skin color Silver


Played by
Occupation Defender of Earth
Base Secret US Military
Teams No teams added.
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