
OC Richie

universe Superhero Database Original Characters

Richie's powers and abilities

- Given that she is a Slayer, combine with two different vampire species, she has all the powers of a slayer, a TVDU vampire, and a BTVS new vampire [which is canon btw, because season 9 {comic} is canon according to Joss Whedon {creator of the franchise} who confirmed multiple canons, dubious/hesitating canons, non-canons, etc.]

- By using this database, along with a few other sites, I was able to figure out the majority of what her powers would be. Along with how fast, strong, and how durable she should be.


- Overall ranks around tier 3, Country/Continent. Reasoning is that a Slayer, Buffy, ranks around tier 2, Island/Mountain, while a Vampire ranks around tier 1, Superhuman/Building. Combining those two, you basically get to tier 3. But down below will help this make more sense, hopefully.

The following are a list of her powers and how they are ranked/applied to her and how powerful each one exactly is.

Super Strength

- Could be seen as being anywhere from Enhanced to Supernatural (Type 1), Enhanced strength is considered as being able to lift thousands of pounds to tens of thousands and perform any offensive action with the force of a massive vehicle; being able to lift cars, trucks, buses, small-moderately sized boulders, tall trees, and numerous times the weight of peak humans; perform any biological strike or use objects with mighty power, such as destroying bridges, road vehicles, trees and killing massive creatures that require guns, small explosives, missiles, or chemical/biological/radiological weapons. While Supernatural (Type 1) is considered as being able to lift tens of thousands of pounds to hundreds of thousands of pounds and perform any offensive action with the force of destructive conventional explosives; lift and move several construction vehicles such as bulldozers, backhoe loaders, motor graders, tanks, or several thousand-pound trucks; and perform any biological strike or use objects that can cause severe damage to tall buildings, neighborhoods, and house-sized asteroids. Overall, it is somewhat hard to determine her strength given that slayers showed an inconsistent amount of strength throughout the show, Buffy was easily able to lift up to 800 lbs overheard once, then continued to struggle lifting a metal portcullis which possibly weighed around 1,300-2,000 lbs. But in the comics she can easily lift twice that, if not more.

Super Speed

Supernatural level. Ranking speeds as high as High Hypersonic+. She is said to be one of the fastest vampiric beings and slayers on that planet.


- Enhanced to Supernatural level. Being able to dodge multiple bullets, dodge and maneuver around complex attacks, catch falling objects, block detriments, and react instantaneously to what others take more time to react to such as, high speed projectiles (e.g. sniper bullets).


- Supernatural level. She is immensely more agile than regular slayers and vampires, being able to combine balance, bodily/motor coordination, speed, reflexes, strength, and endurance better than regular slayers and vampires. Can go from one motion to another effortlessly, effectively dodge attacks, swing from things easily, sprint at high speeds, do multiple back-flips, leap across rooftops, and numerous other gymnastic, athletic and martial implements with little to no effort.


- Enhanced to Supernatural level. Able to sustain herself without tiring to a high superhuman level, if not higher, but nowhere near nigh-absolute level.


- Supernatural (Type 1) Level. Able to withstand being hit by trucks, buses, trains, and speeds over subsonic, and moderate to massive explosions (tens to hundreds of tons of TNT), and getting shot by piercing ammunition.

Thick Skin

- Her skin is as hard as a whale sharks, 4-6 inches, being compared to that of an average human's skin being anywhere from 0.0197-0.059 inches thick. This makes it harder, not impossible, to cause wounds (such as cuts), drive a stake through her heart, rip her heart out, etc.

Thick Bones

- It takes an average of 4,000 Newton's (or 899 pound-force) to break a human's femur; it takes on average about 109 Tons or 1068924 Newton's (or 218,000-240,303 pound-force) to break a Rhino's femur (possibly one of the, if not the strongest bones in world). I can only ESTIMATE that it would take anywhere from 6,000-45,000 Newtons (or 1,348-10,116 pound-force) to break her femur. With that being said, I believe it would be MORE REASONABLE to ESTIMATE that in order to break her femur it would take anywhere 9,000-13,000 Newtons (or 2,023-2,922 pound-force). This alone makes it harder for her to be decapitated.


- Enhanced to low-mid Supernatural level. She is able to endure physical stresses beyond the capabilities of the greatest humans, enabling them to do things such as: tolerate extreme amounts of physical pain, having your limbs ripped off or having having your bones completely crushed, being corroded by acid, and even resisting extremely painful headaches for prolonged periods of time. They can also hold their breath for longer intervals, like 2-3 hours, and always remain calm through any stressful or painful situations. Users can also tolerate extreme hunger, unbearable thirst, and strong urges to sleep. Being able stay active for 48 hours to 72 hours without food, water/blood and sleep.

Heightened Senses

- Enhanced, possibly to a low Supernatural level. Extremely accurate senses. Her sense of sight, taste, hearing, touch, and smell are glaringly, obviously and super-unnaturally more acute than other slayers, vampires, and a few other beings (e.g. werewolves) in their universe. Able to see thousands of miles away with immense resolution and see/track things too fast for the natural eye, hear through dense walls perfectly and listen to the smallest vibrations/noises from extremely far away places even in deep space, smell anything over vast distances up to and including individual molecules/atoms, taste the smallest details to the extent of distinguishing at a molecular level, and feel the slightest vibration in the air, ground and water. In some cases, the user can develop a sixth sense and various ESP abilities, allowing them to perceive/sense things no ordinary senses can detect [She has developed the power to pinpoint invisible beings through the use of hearing, such as the sound waves the make {similar to echolocation}].

Combat Skills

- While she is not a master at every single combat style/martial art, she was trained by Faith and therefore is highly skilled in many. Her fighting style is mostly considered to be an Eclectic style, meaning a combination of multiple arts. But just to list a few martial arts she is highly skilled in: Karv Maga, Vale Tudo, Muay Thai, Sambo, Kung Fu, Taekwondo, Aikido, Tai Chi, and Kyusho Jitsu (also known as Pressure Point Fighting). Like I said, these are just a few of the many she is skilled in. There is also the fact that the slayers get skills/knowledge passed down to them, this is one of the reasons slayers know how to fight so well.


- Skilled in almost most any type of modern melee. Most antique/vintage melee too.

Weapons Master

- While she is not a weapon master, I did not know how else to word it. She is experienced in many different types of weapons.


- Being part new vampire, she can shape-shift into five different things. These include a panther, a wolf [just a normal wolf, doesn't have werewolf powers], a swarm of bees, a cloud of mist, and a bat. The bat transformation is the only one she can stop halfway through, therefore this causes her to have giant bat wings and claws. However, in these transformations her powers (such as super strength, speed, etc.) are heavily lowered. In the buffyverse comics, this power was technically muted (meaning that new vampires were not able to use it, given that them to OP for a vampiric species) but KB was able to unmute.


- Being part new vampire, she is able to walk in the sun without a daylight ring or anything. This power was also muted before KB unmuted it.

Vampire Face/True Look

- Can switch from human to vampire face at will. Being a combination of these two vampires, she looks like a mixture of them both (I suggest searching each one to understand the following description of how she looks). Her canine teeth are short fanged [similar to TVDU vampire teeth], her incisors (front top and bottom teeth) are jagged/pointed/somewhat whack [curved to point on both ends almost {similar to BTVS vampire teeth}], her molars stay the same as humans; she has less prominent brow ridges, and she still has eyebrows (similar to BTVS vampires where the section between eyebrows and nose becomes ridge) and dark/red-ish veins underneath the eyes; her pupils dilate, her irises become gold/yellow (similar to BTVS vampires) and the sclera of the eyes turns blood red (similar to TVD vampires).

Super Bite

- Being a combination of two vampire species, her bite is particular stronger than other vampires. Her bite fore would come in around 3,600-4,000 lbs. It can be said that vampires similar to BTVS have a bite force of around 1,800 lbs (the mouthful of fangs has a play in this). It can also be said that vampires similar to TVD would have a bite force of around 900-1,150 lbs (given they only have anywhere from 2-8 fangs). Her bite force does lower when transformed, in a swarm of bees and cloud of mist it completely disappears; but in bat form it is around 100-300 lbs, in panther form its around 1,200 lbs, and in wolf form its around 1,200-1500 lbs [werewolves similar to BTVS would have a bite force around 1,800 lbs if not higher, while werewolves in TVD would be around 2,000 lbs if not higher].

Slayer Blood

- Being part slayer, her blood is a very very powerful aphrodisiac to those who drink blood. It can also be consumed by certain species to strengthen them (much more than human blood) or cure afflictions


- There are many different types of immortality. Her's are include below:

  • Eternal Life (Type 1): She is undead and can not die from natural causes

  • Immortality via Regeneration (Type 3): This means she has a Regenerative Healing Factor. Minor to moderate wounds such as small cuts, bruises, and burns heal quickly being anywhere from instantly to a few minutes to fully heal; given that said was created through magic (like the Originals from TVDU) more sever injuries such as lost limbs, internal organs, and damaged nerves or cells can take anywhere from a few minutes to hours to fully heal; (While it hasn't been technically proven, it has been showed that the originals cannot be decapitated, therefore neither can she; and if they can, they would heal someway, somehow, therefore she would too); this also grants her Disease Immunity and other powers that resist stuff such as Toxin and Drug Resistance.

  • Immortality via Resurrection (Type 4): In situations where her heart was to be ripped out, or she was decapitated (which would be highly unlikely given her certain abilities/powers), she could heal via resurrection. Which could take anywhere from a several seconds to several hours, if not days (while this somewhat contradicts the following power given she could heal lost limbs in the matter of seconds, her brain and heart were intact making it quicker).

Minor Psychic Abilities

- Being a slayer and two vampiric species, she has a good amount psychic abilities.This includes:

  • Psychic Link: Slayer Collective Memories, as I mentioned earlier slayers get memories passed down to them. Prophetic dreaming, can share dream with other slayers and some other species, such as certain vampires.

  • Psychic Shield: Mid to High level go resistance to psychic attacks. High resistance to mind control, via compulsion, hypnosis, and magic. It is possible to put a psychic shield on someone else through the use of compulsion, but this shield is not as strong as hers.

  • Mind Control: Via compulsion, she is able to control the minds, of humans, vampires (not all vampires, those who are older than her
  • [she technically can compel them but its harder], the Originals, Heretics, and the Tribrid are immune), slayers (not all slayers can be compelled, but some can, it depends on their willpower and mind strength/stability), and many other beings. This must either be done through eye contact, or through verbal means (but that person must be close to her)

  • Limited Telepathy: Being part slayer and TVDU vampire she has basic, some advance, few expert, and even some master level telepathy powers, these include:

  • Mind Reading: The ability to read and season the thoughts of others

  • Psychic Communication: The ability to open up secret conversations and relay covert information. This can only be done with other telepaths (or empaths)

  • Information Transferal: She can transfer information to others (usually done with other telepaths, or those with psychic abilities)

  • Extrasensory Perception: Essentially a sixth sense that allows her to acquire information by means independent of any of her known senses or previous experience. This applies to any and all kinds of information, knowledge, wisdom, experience, etc. Information can be either personal (memories, thoughts, etc.) or impersonal (academic knowledge, data, etc.). This ability can be used passively (as an instinctual reaction) or actively (by wanting to know specific information).

  • Precognition:

  • Empathy: Low empathic abilities, only being able to sense, feel, and understand the emotions of others through a telepathic view.

  • Power Sense/Deduction:

  • Emotion Manipulation: She has the ability to sense and manipulate emotions through mind control (and psychological manipulation). She can induce happiness, sadness, anger, fear, anxiety, disgust, love, or any number of other emotional states in other beings. She could alter another subject's emotional stability (i.e. mood swings, discordant emotional responses, etc.); while also being able to physically suppress, prevent, or negate (to a certain extent, given some beings {i.e. humans} have to feel) any given emotion. It is harder, more likely impossible, to have this power work on those who are immune, invulnerable, or resistance to mind control (e.g. witches, werewolves, some slayers {not all slayers have the same willpower as others}, etc.).

  • Knowledge Erasure: She can erase knowledge, wiping any/all traces of an idea, subject, or other form of knowledge from that person's mind. However, this can be undone either by herself or powerful magical beings (witches, sorcerers, etc.), or if that person tries hard enough they can eventually get back the knowledge/information that was erased.

  • Knowledge Recovery: She can recover any/all kinds of knowledge, reciting traces of an idea, subject, etc. Depending on the severity of knowledge erasure, she may need help from a witch or something else that can do magic.

  • Mind Walking: Also known as "Head Diving". She can enter the minds of others, where she can see all the thoughts, memories, and emotions of that person. She must physically be touching the person to do this and the target must either be willing to do this, unconscious, or forced in some form or manner. Those with psychic shields are highly resistant, while those with psychic immunity and impervious to this ability.

  • Action Inducement: Through mind control, she can induce actions onto others, causing individuals to do those actions, such as attacking, tasking, etc.

  • Telepathic Illusions (Could be considered Illusion Manipulation): She can create illusions based on thoughts/telepathy. She can create, shape, or manipulate illusions/hallucinations, causing targets to see, hear, touch, smell, or taste things of which do not actually exist. They can cause the targets of this ability to perceive things differently from what they actually truly are.

  • Thought Manipulation: She can control the thoughts of others; she can make others think what she wants, control thinking processes, cause the loss of their line of thought inducing confusion, and possibly even completely shut off thinking processes. This is done through mind control, and can be undone through herself or magic.

  • Darkside View: She can communicate with the dark side of a person's/beings personality. This is done through Mind Walking. She does have the chance of bringing out that dark side of that target through psychological manipulation, but she has to know that person very well to understand how to do it.

  • Lightside View: She can communicate with the light side of a person's/being's personality. This is done through Mind Walking. She does have the chance of bringing out that dark side of that target through psychological manipulation, but she has to know that person very well to understand how to do it.

  • Dream Manipulation: She can create, enter, and manipulate the dreams of others, including modifying, suppressing, fabrications, influencing, manifesting, sensing, and observing dreams as well as nightmares, daydreams, etc. possibly including past ones. She can produce and modify dreams, bestow nightmares or lucid dreaming, entrap certain beings in REM, etc. This power does not extend into the real world (if the target gets wounded or died, it would not affect their physically body, but on a psychological or emotional state it possibly could). She can induce people into sleeping, which dreaming soon follows after, through Mind Control.

  • Apathy (Humanity Switch): She has the ability to suppress or negate emotions in herself, allowing her to ignore emotional distractions, suffering from psychological/emotional stresses, and/or feeling from affecting her thinking processes. This becomes worse when soul is "lost".

  • Emotion Empowerment: She can strengthen herself through certain emotions. Can be empowered by any and all emotions but the two most powerful, being love and anger. This can often enhance existing physical powers of hers.

  • Bloodlust Empowerment: A type of emotion empowerment, where there is a violent desire to main and kill. This can cause the humanity switch to somewhat "break" being in a status of "in between" (equivalent to the humanity switch flickering) . Making it much harder to get her to turn it back on, given she will stop at nothing to do what she needs too. This is more likely to be seen in situations where a loved one is killed, or when both her humanity is off and her soul is "lost".

The following will be her ranking of Attack Potency, Speed, Lifting Strength, Striking Strength, Durability, Stamina, Range, and Intelligence.

Attack Potency

- Can deal out attacks equaling anywhere from 0.25 Tons to 1 Kiloton of force. But reach levels of 5.8 Kilotons to 100 Teratons of force. When humanity is off, along with soul "lost" she can muster up enough power to deal out attacks equaling up to anywhere from 7 Teratons to 29.6 Exatons. When shape-shifted, no matter what form, she can only muster up enough strength to equal up to around 15 Kilojoules to 0.25 Tons.


- Overall ranking is Hypersonic (3836.35 mph - 7672.69 mph). The following are the speed of her Attack speeds, Combat speed, Reaction speed, Perceptionspeed, Travel speed (by foot), and Flight (when in bat form). Able to control at which speed she fights, reacts, travels, and flies, she has a high interval in between her lowest speeds and maximum speeds.

[*]Attack & Combat: The speeds of how fast an attack can move and how fast she can fight [Given that most of her attacks are physical/dealt through combat, I combined the Attack speeds and the Combat speeds into one section] Can exert a speed matching that of a peak human to as fast as being Hypersonic +. That ranks out to anywhere from 22 mph to 14,386 mph, with an average of around 7,204 mph (Hypersonic).

[*]Reaction: The speed at which she can react to something. She can react to something anywhere from the speed of Superhuman to High Hypersonic. That ranks out to anywhere from 28 mph to 38,362 mph, with an average speed of 19,195 mph (Hypersonic +).

[*]Perception: The timeframe it takes for a character to notice an event or reaction. But crucially, this does not grant any movement; at most, it allows the user to activate a thought-based ability. She would have a perception speed of anywhere from Peak Human to High Hypersonic +. This would rank anywhere from 100 Milliseconds (0.1 Second) to 29 Microseconds (0.000029 Seconds)

[*]Travel: The speed at which she can run on foot. She can run at speeds ranking anywhere from Superhuman to low Hypersonic +. That ranks out to anywhere from 28 mph (average lowest running speed) to 10,741 mph (maximum speed ever met), with an average speed of 5,384 mph (Hypersonic).

[*]Flight: The speed at which she can fly when transformed into mist, a swarm of bees, or a bat. The bat transformation is the only one she can stop halfway (meaning she'd be human size with giant bat wings and claws). In that case, her flying speed ranks anywhere from Superhuman to Hypersonic +. Which comes out to being anywhere from 77 mph to 19,181 mph, with an average of 9,629 mph (Hypersonic +). When fully transformed into a bat, she has speeds of anywhere from Supersonic to (low) High Hypersonic +. This comes out to being 844 mph to 46,036 mph, with an average of 23,440 mph.

Lifting Strength

- She ranks around Class 5 , which means she can lift anywhere from 2,205 lbs to 12,000 lbs with ease (Ex: U-haul trailer to a Monster truck). Can lift up to mid class 10, around 16, 541 lbs (Ex: Howitzer [an artillery tank] to "Twinkie" [mini] travel trailer), if she needed to (could be dangerous if done for long periods of time on end with no break). When her humanity is off and her soul is "lost" she can reach levels of high class 10 to low class 25, which is around 22,054 lbs to 30,324 lbs (Ex: a Semi Tractor (18-wheeler w/o trailer) to a Fighter Spacecraft or Motorhome RV. When she shape-shifts, her lifting strength is GREATLY diminished, being arnywhere from Peak Human to Class 1, which is anywhere from 501 lbs to 2,204 lbs. Like I said earlier it is somewhat hard to determine her strength given that slayers showed an inconsistent amount of strength throughout the show, but this is probably more accurate given I am not only using information from the show but also from the comics (season 8 up to Season 12 are canon, and plenty of the other comics such as Spike, Fray, etc.)

Striking Strength

- The amount of physical force an individual can deal out in a single strike. Her striking strength is considered to be anywhere from Peak Human to Large Building Class, but can reach up to Mountain Class and possibly even Large Island class (this requires a bodily function overload meaning hormones, emotions, muscles, etc. have to reach a highly dangerous level to the point of extremely hurting herself). When her humanity is off and paired with her "lost" soul, she can reach levels of Island Class, but can reach Large Island Class and possibly even Small Country Class (this would require a bodily function overload as well).


- She is considered to have a durable ranking from Large Building Level to Small Town Level, but could well be higher as she can trade blows (take hits) from beings ranking tier 5. When humanity is off and paired with a "lost" soul, her durability class is around Town Level to Large Mountain Level.


- Has extremely high, supernatural stamina. Being able to go days, if not weeks, fighting. But since she needs to feed, she would not be able to go longer than a few months, as she would start to desiccate.


[*]Standard (the use of arms and legs, along with short weapons such as brass knuckles, daggers, knives, etc.) which is anywhere from 50 cm to 1 m.

[*]Extended Melee: This includes longer weapons such as axes, swords, spears, etc. This is anywhere from 1 m to 3 m. Weapon must be greater than 25 cm in length to be considered Extended Melee.

[*]Several Meters: This includes throwable weapons such as daggers, shuriken, bombs, grenades, etc. or weapons longer than 225cm in length to be considered Several Meters. This is anywhere from 3 m to 10 m.

[*]Hundreds of Meters: This consists of weapons such as guns, bow & arrow, crossbow, etc. This is anywhere from 1 m to 1,000 m. This is firearms accurately shot without a scope.


- Could be seen as having average to somewhat above average intelligence. She has certain past knowledge of past slayers, and certain knowledge of the two vampires {only things such as combat skills, how to use certain powers, etc. Nothing about who they were or what they have done} she was created with.


Richie's weaknesses

- [u]Fire[/u]

[*] While fire will not kill her, depending on the severity, it can leave her severely burnt to the point of bones being seen. If this is the case, it can take her anywhere from a day to a few days to heal from this. In most cases, she can heal from a fire wound within seconds to a couple minuets [/list]

- [u]Decapitation [/u]

[*] Much like the originals, she can not be decapitated. Mostly due to the fact of being created through magic, but her thick skin and bones makes this impossible.


- [u]Heart Extraction[/u]

[*] Even though it is hard to extract her heart, it is not impossible. In a situation where her heart has been ripped out, it would take roughly anywhere from several hours up to three weeks for it to completely grow back. With the average time being 24 hours.


- [u]Desiccation[/u]

[*] Given that she is a duo-vamp, a being made from two vampire species, she requires more blood than the normal vampire. It could be assumed that the average male vampire would need roughly 2.7 L of blood per day, while the average female vampire would need roughly 2.2 L of blood per day. However, she would roughly 4.4-6.8 L of blood per day (average of 5.6 L).

[*] It can be assumed that vampires can go a few weeks up to at least a month without feeding before desiccating.

[*] After 2 months of not feeding her powers and abilities will slowly start to weaken.

[*] After 3 months of not feeding, desiccation slowly begins and will be complete within the following month of not feeding.

[*] She would only have to feed roughly about every 3 to 5 months to keep herself at peak performance.

[*] There is only about 0.25 L up to 1 L of blood in a blood bag. Therefore she would have to have about 4 to 7 (roughly about 5) blood bags.


- [u]Invitation[/u]

[*] Given that she is a vampire she must now be invited into places that are deemed public. For example, she can not enter her dorm room unless invited in by her roommate but she can attend her college classes.

[*] The invitation does not need to be immediate or specific, if someone was to invite her into their apartment before they even had one, she would be able to effortlessly walk in.

[*] Invitation can be sealed again through magic, or through nature/human means (if the owner of the house sold it to someone else she couldn't no longer enter), leaving her unable to enter.

[*] If all residents were to die, she could however enter that place that once required an invitation.

[*] Temporary accommodations, such as motel or hotel rooms or even some frat houses, do not require an invitation

[*] If the residence are vampires, demons, half-demons, etc. the invitation rule does not usually apply

- [u]Broken Neck[/u]

[*] Much like any vampire, snapping the neck will not kill her but will leave her incapacitated. This can be anywhere from several seconds to several hours.


- [u]Vervain[/u]

[*] When someone uses vervain, no matter how, she is unable to compel them. When using vervain to hurt her, a larger dose must be used. The main reason for this is because she is part slayer, and part new vampire. With that being said, she is slowly been developing a low immunity by drinking it everyday, much like Katherine Pierce did.


- [u]Werewolf Venom[/u]

[*] Much like an original vampire, werewolf venom will not kill her. However, it can severely weaken her powers and depending on the severity (how much venom was injected) it can take longer to heal from it. In some severe cases, it can leave her dazed and semi-incoherent.


- [u]Wood[/u]

[*] Much like an original vampire, a regular stake cannot truly kill. While it can cause her to desiccate and leave her incapacitated for a several seconds to several hours, she will eventually come to and heal.

[*] The larger the stake the longer she will be incapacitated for.

[*] Much like the originals, Nature created a specific tree that could be used to kill the Duo-Slaypire. The Blue Birch Tree, however there is only one stake left, in which she has it herself and only a select amount of people know where to look if it was ever needed.


- [u]Magic[/u]

[*] She has a low magic resistance to certain things. For example, offensive magic such as an aneurysm spell, telekinetic attacks, energy blast/beams (ex: electrokinesis), etc. will not do as much damage.

[*] When be siphoned, she would still become weaken and eventually desiccate.




Intelligence105 IQ
Strength83+ tons
Speed30.2x Speed of Sound

Super Powers

Accelerated HealingAcrobaticsAgilityArcheryAwakened PowerCold ResistanceDanger SenseDexterityDurabilityEmpathyEnduranceEnhanced ConditionEnhanced HearingEnhanced SightEnhanced SmellEnhanced TasteExtrasensory PerceptionFire ResistanceHeat ResistanceHunters InstinctImmortalityInstinctive ReactionIntelligenceIntimidationJaw StrengthJumpLongevityMarksmanshipMaster Martial ArtistMind ControlMind Control ResistanceNatural WeaponsPhotographic DeductionPower SensePreparationReflexesRegenerationShapeshiftingStaminaStealthSuper SpeedSuper StrengthSupernatural ConditionSwordsmanshipTelepathyThrowing ProficiencyToxin and Disease ResistanceVision - NightWeapons MasterAccelerated DevelopmentAnimal AttributesAnimal Oriented PowersAttack ReflectionChi ManipulationClairvoyanceCorruption ResistanceDamage BoostDamage ReductionDemon PhysiologyDimensional AwarenessDisarmamentDream ManipulationElectricity ResistanceEmotional Power UpEnhanced MemoryEnhanced TouchFlightGadget UsageGrappling/ClimbingHyperkinesisHypnokinesisIllusion ResistanceIllusionsIndomitable WillInformation AnalysisIntuitive aptitudeInvulnerabilityLeadershipMaster SurvivorMaster TacticianPain SuppressionPattern RecognitionPostcognitionPrecognitionPressure PointsRadiation ImmunityRage PowerReactive EvolutionReactive Power LevelResurrectionSelf-SustenanceSpatial AwarenessStatistics AmplificationSwimmingTelepathy ResistanceTransformationVision - TelescopicAcid ResistantsAdaptationAfterimage CreationBerserk ModeBloodlustBullet TimeClairvoyance ResistanceCorruptionDeceptionEnergy ResistanceFearlessHypnotic SuggestionLevitationMagic ResistanceMemory ManipulationMultilingualismPossession ResistancePower BestowalPsionic PowersSocial InfluencingSonic ScreamStatistics ReductionVenomous Bite