Reeva Payge

Reeva Payge

universe The Gifted

Reeva Payge's History

Reeva grew up in the slums of Southside Chicago. She spent most of her life the subject of prejudice, first because of her poverty, then because of the color of her skin and lastly because she was a mutant. Growing up, Reeva’s only friend was a girl named Benazir, they protected and loved each other. One day, Reeva and Benazir got into a fight and soon after were attacked by a gang of Purifiers. Reeva attempted to summon her powers to defend them but her anger about the fight with Benazir got in the way and her abilities would not come. Benazir was stabbed in the confrontation and all Reeva could do was weep as her friend bled out and died in the street. Eventually, she took certain risks that led to building her wealth and social status until she was able to earn a seat in the Inner Circle.