
OC Red Hound

Damon Gilmore

universe Superhero Database Original Characters

Red Hound's powers and abilities

Gilmore gained his abilities before he was moved upstate to do some time in prison. After an altercation with the police, he began to run and was bit by a rabid dog whilst recovering from a fence jump. The dog was Goran the God of hatred. Goran told Damon, "Make the pay." Goran gave him enhanced strength and senses, as well as the fierce intimidation given to the men who gaze upon him. Giving lust to the women who look his way. He gained his unpredictability while becoming insane in prison. With nothing else to do but think, Damon thought and he thought of everything. His thoughts slowly drove him to a deep raging insanity. His insanity covered his emotions completely, giving him the ability to not feel sadness. This also made him absolutely fear resistant. The man became a walking void. At a younger age, Gilmore took lessons in various martial arts, and was taught by military men how to properly use a firearm. This helped him give his gang the upper hand in most situations.