Red Arrow

Red Arrow

Emiko Queen

universe Post-Crisis

Red Arrow's powers and abilities

Acrobatics: Emi is an accomplished and skilled acrobat, able to dodge bullets and perform great feats.

Archery: Like her mother and brother, Emi is one of the world's greatest archers.[5] Oliver himself has even admitted that Emi is better than him, and can accomplish feats in archery he never could.[6]

Deception: Emi was able to successfully deceive the Ninth Circle and fool her brother.

Hand-to-Hand Combat (Advanced)/Martial Arts: Emi has been trained from birth by a master combatant to become the perfect killing-machine.[4]



Peak Human Condition: Having went through rigorous years of training since birth, Emi is in top condition.


Tactical Analysis: Emi is able to calculate wind, angle, speed and distance during archery and combat.[6]