

John Rambo

universe Rambo Movies

Rambo's History

Originally born July 6, 1947 in Bowie, Arizona, John J. Rambo was drafted into the United States Army on August 6, 1964. The specific training which he endured was known as the Green Beret program. These men were taught to ignore pain and kill without hesitation. To them, everything was a mission. John Rambo excelled in this program and gained many specialty skills from it. Such skills included foreign language expertise, vehicular and weapons mastery, and more. At the end of his training, John had become a true killing machine.

While in the warzone, John Rambo was captured by the Viet Cong. Held captive, he was torured beyond measure. One symbol that he bears is a large scar across his chest from the blade of one of his captors. Eventually, he escaped. When he returned to the United States, he was one of the most decorated officers of the war. John J. Rambo returned with two Silver Stars, four Bronze Stars, four Purple Hearts, the Distinguished Service Cross, and the Medal of Honor.