

Rafwyn Capashen

universe Magic: the Gathering

Raff's History

Rafwyn "Raff" Capashen is a distant relative of Captain Gerrard Capashen. He became the ship's mage of Jhoira's crew on the rebuilt Skyship Weatherlight until the ship was Compleated.

Fully aware of the weight of his ancestor Gerrard's Legacy, Raff had chosen to prove himself worthy of the Capashen name by mastering the study of magic at the Tolarian Academy. Though he was still only 13 and a junior, second-level student at the academy at Tolaria West, he was also a skilled navigator and caught Jhoira's attention. He loved flying on the Skyship Weatherlight more than devoting time to his studies, and he secretly dreamed of honoring Gerrard's legacy by crewing the skyship with as much daring and panache as his ancestor did. Raff's dream came true after his sister Danitha refused that position, which allowed him to join the crew.

In the two years since joining the crew, Raff had grown into the role of ship's mage, shedding his youthful boasting — but not his sense of humor. During the New Phyrexian invasion of Dominaria, he helped his crew smuggle valuable information and supplies across Phyrexian-controlled territory. After rescuing Teferi and the others from the tower at New Argive, Raff would help heal the injured mages after their ordeal. After dropping off the Planeswalkers, Raff, Shanna Sisay and Tiana helped to free Braids after the Weatherlight was downed during a battle with the skeletal dragon Bladewing.

Despite retrieving the part they needed to repair the ship, they soon discovered the Weatherlight had fallen to its Phyrexian corruption. After a brief battle, the now Compleated Weatherlight fled into the sky, leaving its crew behind.