
OC Rafael Santos


universe Superhero Database Original Characters


Rafael was born in December 1916 in London. From an early age he developed a passion for physics and mathematics, although he suffered a lot of bullying for it. What no one knew/that wasn't manifested until that time is that his future siblings and he suffered a mutation that made him born Confetiano directly, without having to die before, the price of this was a delay in mental and physical development, just finishing school with 28 years old, although studying 8 hours a day with great dedication and joy. Overcome by the anxiety of being underdeveloped as a person, he locked himself in a house where he studied literally everything about human nature, looking for an answer to his inner demons, because bad feelings in confetti manifest themselves magically and are potentially lethal. read more

  • Power Stats

Official Superhero Database stats. | Class: 5,939 Auto converted

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Super Powers

Accelerated DevelopmentAccelerated HealingAcid ResistantsAcrobaticsAdaptationAgilityAmphibious RespirationAnimated ShadowAttack ReflectionAxis ManipulationBullet TimeCausality ResistanceClairvoyanceClairvoyance ResistanceCobra Kai KarateCold ResistanceCorruption ResistanceCurse ResistanceDanger SenseDisarmamentDisguise MasteryDisguise ResistanceEagle Fang KarateEcholocationElectricity ResistanceEmpathyEnergy ResistanceEnhanced ConditionEnhanced HearingEnhanced SightExtrasensory PerceptionFate ResistanceGlidingHeat ResistanceHunters InstinctHyperkinesisHypnokinesisHypnotic SuggestionIndestructible DigestionInformation AnalysisInstinctive ReactionIntuitive aptitudeJumpLevitationMarksmanshipMaster Martial ArtistMaster TacticianMind Control ResistanceNatural ArmorNinjutsuNon-Physical InteractionOmni-SensePacemiakinesisPain SuppressionPeak Human ConditionPerspective ManipulationPhasingPhotographic DeductionPhotographic ReflexesPostcognitionPrecognitionPreparationPressure PointsProbability ManipulationPsychometryRegenerationScanningSleep ManipulationSocial InfluencingSonarSotobro EffectSoul ResistanceSpace SurvivabilitySpatial AwarenessSpatial CommunicationSpinjitzuStandsStasisStealthSurface ScalingSwordsmanshipTelekinesisTelepathy ResistanceTime Manipulation ResistanceToxin and Disease ResistanceVehicular MasteryVision - CryoVision - HeatVision - InfraredVision - MicroscopicVision - NightVision - TelescopicVision - ThermalVision - X-RayWallcrawlingWeapon CreationWeapon SummoningRadar SenseIllusion ResistancePower Mimicry ImmunitySelf-SustenanceSupernatural Condition


Creator TheCrazyWarrior2021
UniverseSHDB OC - Superhero Database Original Characters
Character Tier 1++ (Town/City)
Full name
Alter Egos No alter egos found.
Aliases The Physician The Down-to-Earth magician
Place of birth London
First appearance 1916
Alignment Good


Gender Male
Species // Type Human // Spirit
Height 200 cm • 6'6.7"
Weight 1.04 ton • 2,292.81 lbs
Eye color Silver
Hair color Black / Blue


Played by
Occupation Former Physicist (Teacher and Scientist) Fighter (Nowdays)
Base Lab in her house
Teams No teams added.
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